MLAI Week 2: Objective Functions

Neil D. Lawrence

6th October 2015

In [1]:
import pods
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mlai2015
from IPython.display import display, clear_output, HTML
%matplotlib inline

Objective Function

  • Last week we motivated the importance of probability.
  • This week we motivate the idea of the 'objective function'.


  • In classification we take in a feature matrix and make predictions of class labels given the features.
  • Our features are $\mathbf{x}_i$ for the $i$th data point
  • Our labels are $y_i$ which is either -1 (negative) or +1 (positive).


  • predict the class label, $y_i$, given the features associated with that data point, $\mathbf{x}_i$, using the prediction function:

    $$f(x_i) = \text{sign}\left(\mathbf{w}^\top \mathbf{x}_i + b\right)$$

  • Decision boundary for the classification is given by a hyperplane.

  • Vector $\mathbf{w}$ is the normal vector to the hyperplane.
  • Hyperplane is described by the formula $\mathbf{w}^\top \mathbf{x} = -b$

Toy Data

  • Need to draw a decision boundary that separates red crosses from green circles.
In [2]:
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In [3]:
x_plus = np.random.normal(loc=1.7, size=(100, 2))
x_minus = np.random.normal(loc=-3.4, size=(100, 2))*2

# plot data
plt.plot(x_plus[:, 0], x_plus[:, 1], 'rx')
plt.plot(x_minus[:, 0], x_minus[:, 1], 'go')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x108f7a518>]

Mathematical Drawing of Decision Boundary

Refresher: draw a hyper plane at decision boundary.

  • Decision boundary: plane where a point moves from being classified as -1 to +1.
  • We have

    $$\text{sign}(\mathbf{x}^\top \mathbf{w}) = \text{sign}(w_0 + w_1x_{i,1} + w_2 x_{i, 2})$$

    $x_{i, 1}$ is first feature $x_{i, 2}$ is second feature assume $x_{0,i}=1$.

  • Set $w_0 = b$ we have

    $$\text{sign}\left(w_1 x_{i, 1} + w_2 x_{i, 2} + b\right)$$

Equation of Plane

$$\text{sign}\left(w_1 x_{i, 1} + w_2 x_{i, 2} + b\right)$$
  • Equation of plane is

    $$w_1 x_{i, 1} + w_2 x_{i, 2} + b = 0$$


    $$w_1 x_{i, 1} + w_2 x_{i, 2} = -b$$

  • Next we will initialise the model and draw a decision boundary.

Perceptron Algorithm: Initialisation Maths

  • For a randomly chosen data point, $i$, set

    $$\mathbf{w} = y_i \mathbf{x}_i$$

  • If predicted label of the $i$th point is


  • Setting $\mathbf{w}$ to $y_i\mathbf{x}_i$ implies

    $$\text{sign}(\mathbf{w}^\top\mathbf{x}_i) = \text{sign}(y_i\mathbf{x}_i^\top \mathbf{x}_i) = y_i$$

Perceptron Algorithm: Initialisation Code

In [4]:
# flip a coin (i.e. generate a random number and check if it is greater than 0.5)
choose_plus = np.random.rand(1)>0.5
if choose_plus:
    # generate a random point from the positives
    index = np.random.randint(0, x_plus.shape[1])
    x_select = x_plus[index, :]
    w = x_plus[index, :] # set the normal vector to that point.
    b = 1
    # generate a random point from the negatives
    index = np.random.randint(0, x_minus.shape[1])
    x_select = x_minus[index, :]
    w = -x_minus[index, :] # set the normal vector to minus that point.
    b = -1

Computing Decision Boundary

In [5]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,7))
handle = mlai2015.init_perceptron_plot(f, ax, x_plus, x_minus, w, b, x_select)

Drawing Decision Boundary

The decision boundary is where the output of the function changes from -1 to +1 (or vice versa) so it's the point at which the argument of the $\text{sign}$ function is zero. So in other words, the decision boundary is given by the line defined by $x_1 w_1 + x_2 w_2 = -b$ (where we have dropped the index $i$ for convenience). In this two dimensional space the decision boundary is defined by a line. In a three dimensional space it would be defined by a plane and in higher dimensional spaces it is defined by something called a hyperplane ( This equation is therefore often known as the separating hyperplane because it defines the hyperplane that separates the data. To draw it in 2-D we can choose some values to plot from $x_1$ and then find the corresponding values for $x_2$ to plot using the rearrangement of the hyperplane formula as follows

$$x_2 = -\frac{(b+x_1w_1)}{w_2}$$

Of course, we can also choose to specify the values for $x_2$ and compute the values for $x_1$ given the values for $x_2$,

$$x_1 = -\frac{b + x_2w_2}{w_1}$$

Switching Formulae

It turns out that sometimes we need to use the first formula, and sometimes we need to use the second. Which formula we use depends on how the separating hyperplane leaves the plot.

We want to draw the separating hyperplane in the bounds of the plot which is showing our data. To think about which equation to use, let's consider two separate situations (actually there are a few more).

  1. If the separating hyperplane leaves the top and bottom of the plot then we want to plot a line with values in the $y$ direction (given by $x_2$) given by the upper and lower limits of our plot. The values in the $x$ direction can then be computed from the formula for the plane.

  2. Conversely if the line leaves the sides of the plot then we want to plot a line with values in the $x$ direction given by the limits of the plot. Then the values in the $y$ direction can be computed from the formula. Whether the line leaves the top/bottom or the sides of the plot is dependent on the relative values of $w_1$ and $w_2$.

This motivates a simple if statement to check which situation we're in.

Code for Perceptron

In [6]:
pods.notebook.code_toggle(message='Click me when finished to re-reveal code.')
learn_rate = 0.1
max_iters = 10000
max_updates = 30
updates = 0
iterations = 0
w_updated = False
f2, ax2 = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,7))
handle = mlai2015.init_perceptron_plot(f2, ax2, x_plus, x_minus, w, b, x_select)

while updates<max_updates and iterations<max_iters:
    # select a point at random from the data
    choose_plus = np.random.uniform(size=1)>0.5
    if choose_plus:
        # choose a point from the positive data
        index = np.random.random_integers(x_plus.shape[0]-1)
        x_select = x_plus[index, :]
        if, x_select)+b <= 0.:
            # point is currently incorrectly classified
            w += learn_rate*x_select
            b += learn_rate
            updates += 1
        # choose a point from the negative data
        index = np.random.random_integers(x_minus.shape[0]-1)
        x_select = x_minus[index, :]
        if, x_select)+b > 0.:
            # point is currently incorrectly classified
            w -= learn_rate*x_select
            b -= learn_rate
            updates += 1
    iterations += 1
    if w_updated:
        handle = mlai2015.update_perceptron_plot(handle, f2, ax2, x_plus, x_minus, updates, w, b, x_select)
print('Data passes:', iterations)
from IPython.display import HTML
display(HTML('To toggle on/off the raw code, click <a href="javascript:code_toggle()">here</a>.'))
Click me when finished to re-reveal code. To toggle on/off the raw code, click here.
Data passes: 10000
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Perceptron Reflection

  • The perceptron is an algorithm.
  • What is it doing? When will it fail?
  • We can explain the update equations and proove it converges.
  • Normally it is far easier to first define an objective function.

Objective Functions and Regression

  • Classification: map feature to class label.
  • Regression: map feature to real value our prediction function is

    $$f(x_i) = mx_i + c$$

  • Need an algorithm to fit it.

  • Least squares: minimize an error.

$$E(m, c) = \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - f(x_i))^2$$


  • Create an artifical data set.
In [7]:
x = np.random.normal(size=4)

We now need to decide on a true value for $m$ and a true value for $c$ to use for generating the data.

In [8]:
m_true = 1.4
c_true = -3.1

We can use these values to create our artificial data. The formula $$y_i = mx_i + c$$ is translated to code as follows:

In [9]:
y = m_true*x+c_true

Plot of Data

We can now plot the artifical data we've created.

In [10]:
plt.plot(x, y, 'r.', markersize=10) # plot data as red dots
plt.xlim([-3, 3])
(-3, 3)

These points lie exactly on a straight line, that's not very realistic, let's corrupt them with a bit of Gaussian 'noise'.

Noise Corrupted Plot

In [11]:
noise = np.random.normal(scale=0.5, size=4) # standard deviation of the noise is 0.5
y = m_true*x + c_true + noise
plt.plot(x, y, 'r.', markersize=10)
plt.xlim([-3, 3])
(-3, 3)

Contour Plot of Error Function

  • Visualise the error function surface, create vectors of values.
In [12]:
m_vals = np.linspace(m_true-3, m_true+3, 100) # create an array of linearly separated values around m_true
c_vals = np.linspace(c_true-3, c_true+3, 100) # create an array of linearly separated values ae
  • create a grid of values to evaluate the error function in 2D.
In [13]:
m_grid, c_grid = np.meshgrid(m_vals, c_vals) 
  • compute the error function at each combination of $c$ and $m$.
In [14]:
E_grid = np.zeros((100, 100))
for i in range(100):
    for j in range(100):
        E_grid[i, j] = ((y - m_grid[i, j]*x - c_grid[i, j])**2).sum()

Contour Plot of Error

  • We can now make a contour plot.
In [15]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,7))
def plot_contour(f, ax, m_vals, c_vals, E_grid):
    hcont = ax.contour(m_vals, c_vals, E_grid, levels=[0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]) # this makes the contour plot 
    plt.clabel(hcont, inline=1, fontsize=15) # this labels the contours.

    ax.set_xlabel('$m$', fontsize=25)
    ax.set_ylabel('$c$', fontsize=25)

plot_contour(f, ax, m_vals, c_vals, E_grid)
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Steepest Descent

  • Minimize the sum of squares error function.
  • One way of doing that is gradient descent.
  • Initialize with a guess for $m$ and $c$
  • update that guess by subtracting a portion of the gradient from the guess.
  • Like walking down a hill in the steepest direction of the hill to get to the bottom.


  • We start with a guess for $m$ and $c$.
In [16]:
m_star = 3.0
c_star = -5.0

Offset Gradient

  • Now we need to compute the gradient of the error function, firstly with respect to $c$,

    $$\frac{\text{d}E(m, c)}{\text{d} c} = -2\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - mx_i - c)$$

  • This is computed in python as follows

In [17]:
c_grad = -2*(y-m_star*x - c_star).sum()
print("Gradient with respect to c is ", c_grad)
Gradient with respect to c is  -11.6161827525

Deriving the Gradient

To see how the gradient was derived, first note that the $c$ appears in every term in the sum. So we are just differentiating $(y_i - mx_i - c)^2$ for each term in the sum. The gradient of this term with respect to $c$ is simply the gradient of the outer quadratic, multiplied by the gradient with respect to $c$ of the part inside the quadratic. The gradient of a quadratic is two times the argument of the quadratic, and the gradient of the inside linear term is just minus one. This is true for all terms in the sum, so we are left with the sum in the gradient.

Slope Gradient

The gradient with respect tom $m$ is similar, but now the gradient of the quadratic's argument is $-x_i$ so the gradient with respect to $m$ is

$$\frac{\text{d}E(m, c)}{\text{d} m} = -2\sum_{i=1}^n x_i(y_i - mx_i - c)$$

which can be implemented in python (numpy) as

In [18]:
m_grad = -2*(x*(y-m_star*x - c_star)).sum()
print("Gradient with respect to m is ", m_grad)
Gradient with respect to m is  12.7340212009

Update Equations

  • Now we have gradients with respect to $m$ and $c$.
  • Can update our inital guesses for $m$ and $c$ using the gradient.
  • We don't want to just subtract the gradient from $m$ and $c$,
  • We need to take a small step in the gradient direction.
  • Otherwise we might overshoot the minimum.
  • We want to follow the gradient to get to the minimum, the gradient changes all the time.

Move in Direction of Gradient

In [19]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,7))
plot_contour(f, ax, m_vals, c_vals, E_grid)
ax.plot(m_star, c_star, 'g*', markersize=20)
ax.arrow(m_star, c_star, -m_grad, -c_grad, head_width=0.2)
<matplotlib.patches.FancyArrow at 0x109d94668>

Update Equations

  • The step size has already been introduced, it's again known as the learning rate and is denoted by $\eta$.

    $$c_\text{new} \leftarrow c_{\text{old}} - \eta \frac{\text{d}E(m, c)}{\text{d}c}$$

  • gives us an update for our estimate of $c$ (which in the code we've been calling c_star to represent a common way of writing a parameter estimate, $c^*$) and

    $$m_\text{new} \leftarrow m_{\text{old}} - \eta \frac{\text{d}E(m, c)}{\text{d}m}$$

  • Giving us an update for $m$.

Update Code

  • These updates can be coded as
In [20]:
print("Original m was", m_star, "and original c was", c_star)
learn_rate = 0.01
c_star = c_star - learn_rate*c_grad
m_star = m_star - learn_rate*m_grad
print("New m is", m_star, "and new c is", c_star)
Original m was 3.0 and original c was -5.0
New m is 2.87265978799 and new c is -4.88383817248

Iterating Updates

  • Fit model by descending gradient.
In [ ]:
# first let's plot the error surface

m_star = 3.0
c_star = -5.0

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,7)) # this is to create 'side by side axes'
mlai2015.init_regression_plot(f, ax, x, y, m_vals, c_vals, E_grid, m_star, c_star)

display(HTML('To toggle on/off the raw code, click <a href="javascript:code_toggle()">here</a>.'))

Gradient Descent Algorithm

In [21]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,7)) # this is to create 'side by side axes'
handle = mlai2015.init_regression_plot(f, ax, x, y, m_vals, c_vals, E_grid, m_star, c_star)

for i in range(1000): # do 100 iterations (parameter updates)
    # compute the gradients
    c_grad = -2*(y-m_star*x - c_star).sum()
    m_grad = -2*(x*(y-m_star*x - c_star)).sum()
    # update the parameters
    m_star = m_star - learn_rate*m_grad
    c_star = c_star - learn_rate*c_grad
    if i<10 or ((i<100 and not i % 10) or (i<1000 and not i % 100)): # update the location of our current best guess on the contour plot
        handle = mlai2015.update_regression_plot(handle, f, ax, m_star, c_star, i)

display(HTML('To toggle on/off the raw code, click <a href="javascript:code_toggle()">here</a>.'))
To toggle on/off the raw code, click here.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

  • If $n$ is small, gradient descent is fine.
  • But sometimes (e.g. on the internet $n$ could be a billion.
  • Stochastic gradient descent is more similar to perceptron.
  • Look at gradient of one data point at a time rather than summing across all data points)
  • This gives a stochastic estimate of gradient.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

  • The real gradient with respect to $m$ is given by

    $$\frac{\text{d}E(m, c)}{\text{d} m} = -2\sum_{i=1}^n x_i(y_i - mx_i - c)$$

    but it has $n$ terms in the sum. Substituting in the gradient we can see that the full update is of the form

    $$m_\text{new} \leftarrow m_\text{old} + 2\eta \left[x_1 (y_1 - m_\text{old}x_1 - c_\text{old}) + (x_2 (y_2 - m_\text{old}x_2 - c_\text{old}) + \dots + (x_n (y_n - m_\text{old}x_n - c_\text{old})\right]$$

    This could be split up into lots of individual updates

$$m_1 \leftarrow m_\text{old} + 2\eta \left[x_1 (y_1 - m_\text{old}x_1 - c_\text{old})\right]$$$$m_2 \leftarrow m_1 + 2\eta \left[x_2 (y_2 - m_\text{old}x_2 - c_\text{old})\right]$$$$m_3 \leftarrow m_2 + 2\eta \left[\dots\right]$$$$m_n \leftarrow m_{n-1} + 2\eta \left[x_n (y_n - m_\text{old}x_n - c_\text{old})\right]$$

which would lead to the same final update.

Updating $c$ and $m$

  • In the sum we don't $m$ and $c$ we use for computing the gradient term at each update.
  • In stochastic gradient descent we do change them.
  • This means it's not quite the same as steepest desceint.
  • But we can present each data point in a random order, like we did for the perceptron.
  • This makes the algorithm suitable for large scale web use (recently this domain is know as 'Big Data') and algorithms like this are widely used by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo! and Facebook.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

  • Or more accurate, since the data is normally presented in a random order we just can write

    $$m_\text{new} = m_\text{old} + 2\eta\left[x_i (y_i - m_\text{old}x_i - c_\text{old})\right]$$

In [22]:
# choose a random point for the update
i = np.random.randint(x.shape[0]-1)
# update m
m_star = m_star + 2*learn_rate*(x[i]*(y[i]-m_star*x[i] - c_star))
# update c
c_star = c_star + 2*learn_rate*(y[i]-m_star*x[i] - c_star)

SGD for Linear Regression

Putting it all together in an algorithm, we can do stochastic gradient descent for our regression data.

In [23]:
m_star = 3.0
c_star = -5.0

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,7)) # this is to create 'side by side axes'
handle = mlai2015.init_regression_plot(f, ax, x, y, m_vals, c_vals, E_grid, m_star, c_star)

for i in range(4000): # do 100 iterations (parameter updates)
    # choose a random point
    index = np.random.randint(x.shape[0]-1)

    # update m
    m_star = m_star + 2*learn_rate*(x[index]*(y[index]-m_star*x[index] - c_star))
    # update c
    c_star = c_star + 2*learn_rate*(y[index]-m_star*x[index] - c_star)
    if i<10 or ((i<100 and not i % 10) or (not i % 100)): 
        handle = mlai2015.update_regression_plot(handle, f, ax, m_star, c_star, i)
display(HTML('To toggle on/off the raw code, click <a href="javascript:code_toggle()">here</a>.'))
To toggle on/off the raw code, click here.

Reflection on Linear Regression and Supervised Learning

Think about:

  1. What effect does the learning rate have in the optimization? What's the effect of making it too small, what's the effect of making it too big? Do you get the same result for both stochastic and steepest gradient descent?

  2. The stochastic gradient descent doesn't help very much for such a small data set. It's real advantage comes when there are many, you'll see this in the lab.

Lab Class

  • You will take the ideas you have learnt.
  • You will apply them in the domain of matrix factorisation.
  • Matrix factorization presents a different error function.
