NCCA software Version 0.05 Monday 13 Oct 2008 at 13:29 Version 0.05 ------------ First public release with limited documentation. MATLAB Files ------------ Matlab files associated with the toolbox are: nccaOut.m: Evaluate the output of an NCCA model. nccaOptions.m: Return default options for NCCA model. nccaOptimise.m: Optimise a given NCCA model nccaEmbed.m: Consolidate two data sets using NCCA nccaCreate.m: Create a NCCA model nccaAddDynamics.m: Add a dynamics kernel to the model. nccaSequenceOptimise.m: Jointly optimise sequence and observations nccaSequenceObjectiveIndependent.m: Compute objective over nccaSequenceObjectiveAll.m: Compute objective over full latent space nccaSequenceGradientIndependent.m: Compute gradients to latent nccaSequenceGradientAll.m: Compute gradients to latent nccaComputeViterbiPath.m: Computes Viterbi path through a set of latent modes given model with dynamics nccaComputeModes.m: Compute modes over latent space from NCCA model computeTransT.m: Compute Transitional Probabilities for sequence of modes from ncca model computeObs.m: Compute observation likelihoods in the ncca model nccaVisualise.m: pointModify.m: nccaSortModes.m: varGradient.m: pointVisualise.m: varObjective.m: nccaAddData.m: nccaDisplayPrivate.m: nccaRemoveMultipleModes.m: nccaToolboxes.m: Load in the relevant toolboxes for sgplvm. nccaDisplayLatent.m: