HGPLVM software Version 0.1 Wednesday 14 Feb 2007 at 08:50 Copyright (c) 2007 Neil D. Lawrence The HGPLVM toolbox is a toolbox for hierarchical visualisation with the GP-LVM, it relies on the FGPLVM code to run. Version 0.1 ----------- First main release with two examples of human motion under the hierarchical model. Version 0.001 ------------- Very preliminary test version, just to act as a placeholder for the toolbox. MATLAB Files ------------ Matlab files associated with the toolbox are: acclaim2xyzHierarchical.m: Compute XYZ values given skeleton structure and channels. acclaimGetSubSkel.m: Gets a sub-skeleton from a larger acclaim format skeleton. acclaimSplitHierarchy.m: Split an acclaim skeleton into a hierarchy. demHighFive1.m: Demonstration of hierarchical GP-LVM on walking and running data. demHighFivePrintPlot.m: Print high five results to svg file. demRun1.m: Show visualisation of the run. demSubskels.m: Load in the walk1 skeleton and motion capture, then break up into sub skels and learn models on each sub skel. demSubskelsH.m: Run a given data set in the hierarchical GP-LVM. demTemporalSamplePaths.m: Show sample paths from temporal dynamics. demWalk1.m: Show visualisation of the walk. demWalkRun1.m: Demonstration of hierarchical GP-LVM on walking and running data. demWalkRunPrintPlot.m: Print the results from the walk/run experiment. fgplvmHierarchicalVisualise.m: Visualise the manifold. hgplvmCreate.m: Creates an HGPLVM model. hgplvmExpandParam.m: Expand a parameter vector into an HGPLVM model. hgplvmExtractParam.m: Extract a parameter vector from an HGPLVM model. hgplvmGradient.m: Hierarchical GP-LVM gradient wrapper. hgplvmHierarchicalPrintPlot.m: Print latent space for learnt model. hgplvmHierarchicalVisualise.m: Visualise the manifold. hgplvmLatentGradients.m: Gradients of the latent positions given parent GP-LVMs. hgplvmLatentSpaceHandler.m: Event handler for the HGPLVM latent space. hgplvmLogLikeGradients.m: Compute the gradients for the HGPLVM. hgplvmLogLikelihood.m: Log-likelihood for an HGPLVM. hgplvmObjective.m: Wrapper function for hierarchical GP-LVM objective. hgplvmObjectiveGradient.m: Wrapper function for HGPLVM objective and gradient. hgplvmOptimise.m: Optimise the HGPLVM. hgplvmOptions.m: Returns an options structure for HGPLVM. hgplvmOut.m: Give the output of the HGPLVM model. hgplvmTest.m: Test the HGPLVM implementation. hgplvmToolboxes.m: Load in the relevant toolboxes for hgplvm. lvmHierarchicalScatterPlot.m: 2-D scatter plot of the latent points. plotSubSkel.m: Plot a given sub-skeleton. skelModifyHierarchical.m: Helper code for visualisation of skel data. skelVisualiseHierarchical.m: For updating a skel representation of 3-D data. testFunc.m: Handler for mouse events on the latetn space axes.