ReadMe file for the NDLUTIL toolbox version 0.131 Wednesday, Jul 27, 2005 at 17:14:48 Written by Neil D. Lawrence. License Info ------------ This software is free for academic use. Please contact Neil Lawrence if you are interested in using the software for commercial purposes. This software must not be distributed or modified without prior permission of the author. This toolbox implements some generic functions used by other toolboxes. Originally it was spun out of the IVM 0.221 toolbox. Version 0.131 Release Notes --------------------------- Added files getline.m and tokenise.m which are string utilities for reading and processing files. Version 0.13 Release Notes -------------------------- pdinv now adds jitter which is proportional to the mean of the diagonal elements of the matrix. File Listing ------------ cumGaussian.m: Cumulative distribution for Gaussian. defaultOptions.m: The default options for optimisation. gaussOverDiffCumGaussian.m: A gaussian in x over the difference between two cumulative Gaussians. gaussSamp.m: Sample from a Gaussian with a given covariance. getSymbols.m: Get a cell structure of different plot symbols. getline.m: Get a line from a file, but ignore it if it starts with #. gradLogCumGaussian.m: Gradient of the log of the cumulative Gaussian. invCumGaussian.m: Inverser of the cumulative Gaussian. invSigmoid.m: The inverse of the sigmoid function. lnCumGaussian.m: log cumulative distribution for Gaussian. lnDiffCumGaussian.m: Computes the log of the difference between two cumulative Gaussians. logdet.m: The log of the determinant when argument is positive definite. ngaussian.m: Compute a Gaussian with mean 0 and variance 1. numsf2str.m: Convert number to a string with a number of significant digits. pdinv.m: Computes the inverse of a positive definite matrix preparePlot.m: Helper function for tidying up the plot before printing. rocCurve.m: Draw ROC curve and return labels. sigmoid.m: The sigmoid function stringSigFigs.m: Convert number to a string with a number of significant digits. stringSplit.m: Return separate parts of a string. tableRead.m: Read in data which has column titles in the first line and separated values in each other line. tokenise.m: Split a string into separate tokens. traceProduct.m: Returns the trace of the product of two matrices. zeroAxes.m: A function to move the axes crossing point to the origin.