Neil D. Lawrence
The pervasiveness of data brings forward particular challenges.
Those challenges are most sharply in focus for personalized health.
Particular opportunities, in challenging areas such as mental health.
This phenomenon has already revolutionised biology.
Large scale data acquisition and distribution.
Transcriptomics, genomics, epigenomics, ‘rich phenomics’.
Great promise for personalized health.
Paradoxes of the Data Society
Quantifying the Value of Data
Privacy, loss of control, marginalisation
Able to quantify to a greater and greater degree the actions of individuals
But less able to characterize society
As we measure more, we understand less
Perhaps greater preponderance of data is making society itself more complex
Therefore traditional approaches to measurement are failing
Curate’s egg of a society: it is only ‘measured in parts’
Election polls (UK 2015 elections, EU referendum, US 2016 elections)
Clinical trials vs personalized medicine: Obtaining statistical power where interventions are subtle. e.g. social media
For large \(p\) the parameters are badly determined.
Large \(p\) small \(n\) problem.
Modern Measurement deals with depth (many subjects) … or breadth lots of detail about subject.
A better characterization of human (see later)
There’s a sea of data, but most of it is undrinkable
We require data-desalination before it can be consumed!
Three Bands of Data Readiness:
Band C - accessibility
Band B - validity
Band A - usability
Encourage greater interaction between application domains and data scientists
Encourage visualization of data
Incentivise the delivery of data.
Society is becoming harder to monitor
Individual is becoming easier to monitor
Marketing can become more sinister when the target of the marketing is well understood and the (digital) environment of the target is also so well controlled
Potential for explicit and implicit discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sexuality, health status
All prohibited under European law, but can pass unawares, or be implicit
Control of persona and ability to project
Need better technological solutions: trust and algorithms.
Many solutions rely on education and awareness