data : observations, could be actively or passively acquired (meta-data).
model : assumptions, based on previous experience (other data! transfer learning etc), or beliefs about the regularities of the universe. Inductive bias.
prediction : an action to be taken or a categorization or a quality score.
a prediction function\(\mappingFunction(\cdot)\) includes our beliefs about the regularities of the universe
an objective function\(\errorFunction(\cdot)\) defines the cost of misprediction.
The pods library is a library for supporting open data science (python open data science). It allows you to load in various data sets and provides tools for helping teach in the notebook.
Typically we should write out \(P\left(X=x,Y=y\right)\).
In practice, we often use \(P\left(x,y\right)\).
This looks very much like we might write a multivariate function, e.g.\(f\left(x,y\right)=\frac{x}{y}\).
For a multivariate function though, \(f\left(x,y\right)\neq f\left(y,x\right)\).
However \(P\left(x,y\right)=P\left(y,x\right)\) because \(P\left(X=x,Y=y\right)=P\left(Y=y,X=x\right)\).
We now quickly review the ‘rules of probability’.
All distributions are normalized. This is clear from the fact that \(\sum_{x}n_{x}=N\), which gives \[\sum_{x}P\left(x\right)={\lim_{N\rightarrow\infty}}\frac{\sum_{x}n_{x}}{N}={\lim_{N\rightarrow\infty}}\frac{N}{N}=1.\] A similar result can be derived for the marginal and conditional distributions.
The Product Rule
\(P\left(x|y\right)\) is \[
\(P\left(x,y\right)\) is \[
\] or in other words \[
\] This is known as the product rule of probability.
The Sum Rule
Ignoring the limit in our definitions: * The marginal probability \(P\left(y\right)\) is \({\lim_{N\rightarrow\infty}}\frac{n_{y}}{N}\) . * The joint distribution \(P\left(x,y\right)\) is \({\lim_{N\rightarrow\infty}}\frac{n_{x,y}}{N}\). * \(n_{y}=\sum_{x}n_{x,y}\) so \[
\] in other words \[
\] This is known as the sum rule of probability.
Bayes’ Rule
From the product rule, \[
P\left(y,x\right)=P\left(x,y\right)=P\left(x|y\right)P\left(y\right),\] so \[
\] which leads to Bayes’ rule, \[
Bayes’ Theorem Example
There are two barrels in front of you. Barrel One contains 20 apples and 4 oranges. Barrel Two other contains 4 apples and 8 oranges. You choose a barrel randomly and select a fruit. It is an apple. What is the probability that the barrel was Barrel One?
Bayes’ Theorem Example: Answer I
We are given that: \[\begin{aligned}
P(\text{F}=\text{A}|\text{B}=1) = & 20/24 \\
P(\text{F}=\text{A}|\text{B}=2) = & 4/12 \\
P(\text{B}=1) = & 0.5 \\
P(\text{B}=2) = & 0.5
Bayes’ Theorem Example: Answer II
We use the sum rule to compute: \[\begin{aligned}
P(\text{F}=\text{A}) = & P(\text{F}=\text{A}|\text{B}=1)P(\text{B}=1) \\& + P(\text{F}=\text{A}|\text{B}=2)P(\text{B}=2) \\
= & 20/24\times 0.5 + 4/12 \times 0.5 = 7/12
No, you can’t compute it. You don’t have access to \(P(y)\) directly.
Sample Based Approximation Example
You are given the following values samples of heights of students,
Actually these “data” were sampled from a Gaussian with mean 1.7 and standard deviation 0.15. Are your estimates close to the real values? If not why not?
Probabilistic Modelling
Probabilistically we want, \[
p(\dataScalar_*|\dataVector, \inputMatrix, \inputVector_*),
\]\(\dataScalar_*\) is a test output \(\inputVector_*\) is a test input \(\inputMatrix\) is a training input matrix \(\dataVector\) is training outputs
Predict Perioperative Risk of Clostridium Difficile Infection Following Colon Surgery (Steele et al., 2012)
We are given a data set containing ‘inputs’, \(\inputMatrix\) and ‘targets’, \(\dataVector\).
Each data point consists of an input vector \(\inputVector_i\) and a class label, \(\dataScalar_i\).
For binary classification assume \(\dataScalar_i\) should be either \(1\) (yes) or \(-1\) (no).
Input vector can be thought of as features.
Discrete Probability
Algorithms based on prediction function and objective function.
For regression the codomain of the functions, \(f(\inputMatrix)\) was the real numbers or sometimes real vectors.
In classification we are given an input vector, \(\inputVector\), and an associated label, \(\dataScalar\) which either takes the value \(-1\) or \(1\).
Classification Examples
Classifiying hand written digits from binary images (automatic zip code reading)
Detecting faces in images (e.g. digital cameras).
Who a detected face belongs to (e.g. Picasa, Facebook, DeepFace, GaussianFace)
Classifying type of cancer given gene expression data.
Categorization of document types (different types of news article on the internet)
Reminder on the Term “Bayesian”
We use Bayes’ rule to invert probabilities in the Bayesian approach.
Bayesian is not named after Bayes’ rule (v. common confusion).
The term Bayesian refers to the treatment of the parameters as stochastic variables.
Proposed by Laplace (1774) and Bayes (1763) independently.
For early statisticians this was very controversial (Fisher et al).
Reminder on the Term “Bayesian”
The use of Bayes’ rule does not imply you are being Bayesian.
It is just an application of the product rule of probability.
Bernoulli Distribution
Binary classification: need a probability distribution for discrete variables.
Discrete probability is in some ways easier: \(P(\dataScalar=1) = \pi\) & specify distribution as a table.
Instead of \(\dataScalar=-1\) for negative class we take \(\dataScalar=0\).
The Bernoulli distribution \[
P(\dataScalar) = \pi^\dataScalar (1-\pi)^{(1-\dataScalar)}
Is a clever trick for switching probabilities, as code it would be
def bernoulli(y_i, pi):
if y_i ==1:
return pi
Jacob Bernoulli’s Bernoulli
Bernoulli described the Bernoulli distribution in terms of an ‘urn’ filled with balls.
There are red and black balls. There is a fixed number of balls in the urn.
The portion of red balls is given by \(\pi\).
For this reason in Bernoulli’s distribution there is epistemic uncertainty about the distribution parameter.
Jacob Bernoulli’s Bernoulli
Thomas Bayes’s Bernoulli
Bayes described the Bernoulli distribution (he didn’t call it that!) in terms of a table and two balls.
Each ball is rolled so it comes to rest at a uniform distribution across the table.
The first ball comes to rest at a position that is a \(\pi\) times the width of table.
After placing the first ball you consider whether a second would land to the left or the right.
For this reason in Bayes’s distribution there is considered to be aleatoric uncertainty about the distribution parameter.
Thomas Bayes’ Bernoulli
Maximum Likelihood in the Bernoulli
Assume data, \(\dataVector\) is binary vector length \(\numData\).
Assume each value was sampled independently from the Bernoulli distribution, given probability \(\pi\)\[
p(\dataVector|\pi) = \prod_{i=1}^{\numData} \pi^{\dataScalar_i} (1-\pi)^{1-\dataScalar_i}.
Take gradient with respect to the parameter \(\pi\). \[\frac{\text{d}\errorFunction(\pi)}{\text{d}\pi} = -\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{\numData} \dataScalar_i}{\pi} + \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{\numData} (1-\dataScalar_i)}{1-\pi},\]
Fixed Point
Stationary point: set derivative to zero \[0 = -\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{\numData} \dataScalar_i}{\pi} + \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{\numData} (1-\dataScalar_i)}{1-\pi},\]
Rearrange to form \[(1-\pi)\sum_{i=1}^{\numData} \dataScalar_i = \pi\sum_{i=1}^{\numData} (1-\dataScalar_i),\]
Recognise that \(\sum_{i=1}^{\numData} (1-\dataScalar_i) + \sum_{i=1}^{\numData} \dataScalar_i = n\) so we have \[\pi = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{\numData} \dataScalar_i}{\numData}\]
Estimate the probability associated with the Bernoulli by setting it to the number of observed positives, divided by the total length of \(\dataScalar\).
Makes intiutive sense.
What’s your best guess of probability for coin toss is heads when you get 47 heads from 100 tosses?
Probabilistic Machine Learning: place probability distributions (or densities) over all the variables of interest.
In naive Bayes this is exactly what we do.
Form a classification algorithm by modelling the joint density of our observations.
Need to make assumption about joint density.
Assumptions about Density
Make assumptions to reduce the number of parameters we need to optimise.
Given label data \(\dataVector\) and the inputs \(\inputMatrix\) could specify joint density of all potential values of \(\dataVector\) and \(\inputMatrix\), \(p(\dataVector, \inputMatrix)\).
If \(\inputMatrix\) and \(\dataVector\) are training data.
If \(\inputVector^*\) is a test input and \(\dataScalar^*\) a test location we want \[
p(\dataScalar^*|\inputMatrix, \dataVector, \inputVector^*),
Answer from Rules of Probability
Compute this distribution using the product and sum rules.
Need the probability associated with all possible combinations of \(\dataVector\) and \(\inputMatrix\).
There are \(2^{\numData}\) possible combinations for the vector \(\dataVector\)
Probability for each of these combinations must be jointly specified along with the joint density of the matrix \(\inputMatrix\),
Also need to extend the density for any chosen test location \(\inputVector^*\).
Naive Bayes Assumptions
In naive Bayes we make certain simplifying assumptions that allow us to perform all of the above in practice.
Data Conditional Independence
Feature conditional independence
Marginal density for \(\dataScalar\).
Data Conditional Independence
Given model parameters \(\paramVector\) we assume that all data points in the model are independent. \[
p(\dataScalar^*, \inputVector^*, \dataVector, \inputMatrix|\paramVector) = p(\dataScalar^*, \inputVector^*|\paramVector)\prod_{i=1}^{\numData} p(\dataScalar_i, \inputVector_i | \paramVector).
This is a conditional independence assumption.
We also make similar assumptions for regression (where \(\paramVector = \left\{\mappingVector,\dataStd^2\right\}\)).
Here we assume joint density of \(\dataVector\) and \(\inputMatrix\) is independent across the data given the parameters.
Bayes Classifier
Computing posterior distribution in this case becomes easier, this is known as the ‘Bayes classifier’.
Feature Conditional Independence
Particular to naive Bayes: assume features are also conditionally independent, given param and the label. \[p(\inputVector_i | \dataScalar_i, \paramVector) = \prod_{j=1}^{\dataDim} p(\inputScalar_{i,j}|\dataScalar_i,\paramVector)\] where \(\dataDim\) is the dimensionality of our inputs.
To specify the joint distribution we also need the marginal for \(p(\dataScalar_i)\)\[p(\inputScalar_{i,j},\dataScalar_i| \paramVector) = p(\inputScalar_{i,j}|\dataScalar_i, \paramVector)p(\dataScalar_i).\]
Because \(\dataScalar_i\) is binary the Bernoulli density makes a suitable choice for our prior over \(\dataScalar_i\), \[p(\dataScalar_i|\pi) = \pi^{\dataScalar_i} (1-\pi)^{1-\dataScalar_i}\] where \(\pi\) now has the interpretation as being the prior probability that the classification should be positive.
Joint Density for Naive Bayes
This allows us to write down the full joint density of the training data, \[
p(\dataVector, \inputMatrix|\paramVector, \pi) = \prod_{i=1}^{\numData} \prod_{j=1}^{\dataDim} p(\inputScalar_{i,j}|\dataScalar_i, \paramVector)p(\dataScalar_i|\pi)
\] which can now be fit by maximum likelihood.
E.g. for real valued data, use a Gaussian \[
p(\inputScalar_{i, j} | \dataScalar_i,\paramVector) =
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \dataStd_{\dataScalar_i,j}^2}} \exp \left(-\frac{(\inputScalar_{i,j} - \mu_{\dataScalar_i,
Compute Posterior for Test Point Label
We know that \[
P(\dataScalar^*| \dataVector, \inputMatrix, \inputVector^*, \paramVector)p(\dataVector,\inputMatrix, \inputVector^*|\paramVector) = p(\dataScalar*, \dataVector, \inputMatrix,\inputVector^*| \paramVector)
We also need \[
p(\dataVector, \inputMatrix, \inputVector^*|\paramVector)\] which can be found from \[p(\dataScalar^*, \dataVector, \inputMatrix, \inputVector^*| \paramVector)
Using the sum rule of probability, \[
p(\dataVector, \inputMatrix, \inputVector^*|\paramVector) = \sum_{\dataScalar^*=0}^1 p(\dataScalar^*, \dataVector, \inputMatrix, \inputVector^*| \paramVector).
Model full joint distribution of data, \(p(\dataVector, \inputMatrix | \paramVector, \pi)\)
Make conditional independence assumptions about the data.
feature conditional independence
data conditional independence
Fast to implement, works on very large data.
Despite simple assumptions can perform better than expected.
Other Reading
Chapter 5 of Rogers and Girolami (2011) up to pg 179 (Section 5.1, and 5.2 up to 5.2.2).
Bayes, T., 1763. An essay towards solving a problem in the doctrine of chances. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 53, 370–418.
Bishop, C.M., 2006. Pattern recognition and machine learning. springer.
Laplace, P.S., 1774. Mémoire sur la probabilité des causes par les évènemens, in: Mémoires de Mathèmatique et de Physique, Presentés à lAcadémie Royale Des Sciences, Par Divers Savans, & Lù Dans Ses Assemblées 6. pp. 621–656.
Rogers, S., Girolami, M., 2011. A first course in machine learning. CRC Press.
Steele, S., Bilchik, A., Eberhardt, J., Kalina, P., Nissan, A., Johnson, E., Avital, I., Stojadinovic, A., 2012. Using machine-learned Bayesian belief networks to predict perioperative risk of clostridium difficile infection following colon surgery. Interact J Med Res 1, e6.