Mind the Gap: Bridging Innovation’s Supply and Demand in the AI Era
Despite its transformative potential, artificial intelligence risks following a well-worn path where technological innovation fails to address society’s most pressing problems. The UK’s experience with major IT projects shows this disconnect: from the Horizon scandal’s wrongful prosecutions to the £10 billion failure of the NHS Lorenzo project. These weren’t only technical failures but a failure to bridge between needs and the provided solution, a failure to match supply and demand.
This misalignment persists in AI development: in 2017, the Royal Society’s Machine Learning Working group conducted research with Ipsos MORI to explore citizens’ aspirations for AI. It showed strong desire for AI to tackle challenges in health, education, security, and social care, while showing explicit disinterest in AI-generated art. Yet seven years later, while AI has made remarkable progress in emulating human creative tasks, the demand in these other areas remains unfulfilled.
This talk examines this persistent gap through a lens that’s inspired by innovation economics. We argue that traditional market mechanisms have failed to map macro-level interventions to the micro-level societal needs. We’ll explore why conventional approaches to technology deployment continue to fall short and propose radical changes needed to ensure that AI truly serves citizens, science, and society.
Philosopher’s Stone

Figure: The Alchemist by Joseph Wright of Derby (1771). The picture depcits Hennig Brand discovering the element phosphorus when searching for the Philosopher’s Stone.
The philosopher’s stone is a mythical substance that can convert base metals to gold.
In our modern economy, automation has the same effect. During the industrial revolution, steel and steam replaced human manual labour. Today, silicon and electrons are being combined to replace human mental labour.
The Attention Economy
Herbert Simon on Information
What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention …
Simon (1971)
The attention economy was a phenomenon described in 1971 by the American computer scientist Herbert Simon. He saw the coming information revolution and wrote that a wealth of information would create a poverty of attention. Too much information means that human attention becomes the scarce resource, the bottleneck. It becomes the gold in the attention economy.
The power associated with control of information dates back to the invention of writing. By pressing reeds into clay tablets Sumerian scribes stored information and controlled the flow of information.
Arguably the information revolution we are experiencing is unprecedented in history. But changes in the way we share information have a long history. Over 5,000 years ago in the city of Uruk, on the banks of the Euphrates, communities which relied on the water to irrigate their corps developed an approach to recording transactions in clay. Eventually the system of recording system became sophisticated enough that their oral histories could be recorded in the form of the first epic: Gilgamesh.
See Lawrence (2024) cuneiform p. 337, 360, 390.

Figure: Chicago Stone, side 2, recording sale of a number of fields, probably from Isin, Early Dynastic Period, c. 2600 BC, black basalt
It was initially developed for people as a record of who owed what to whom, expanding individuals’ capacity to remember. But over a five hundred year period writing evolved to become a tool for literature as well. More pithily put, writing was invented by accountants not poets (see e.g. this piece by Tim Harford).
In some respects today’s revolution is different, because it involves also the creation of stories as well as their curation. But in some fundamental ways we can see what we have produced as another tool for us in the information revolution.
The Future of Professions

Figure: The Future of Professions (Susskind and Susskind, 2015) is a 2015 book focussed on how the next wave of technology revolution is going to effect the professions.
Richard and Daniel Susskind’s 2015 book foresaw that the next wave of automation, artificial intelligence, would have an effect on professional work, information work. And that looks likely to be the case. But professionals are typically well educated and can adapt to changes in their circumstances. For example stocks have already been revolutionised by algorithmic trading, businesses and individuals have adapted to those changes.
Human Capital Index
The World Bank’s human capital index is one area where the UK is a leading international economy, or at least an area where we currently outperform both the USA and China. The index is a measure of education and health of a population.
Productivity Flywheel
Figure: The productivity flywheel suggests technical innovation is reinvested.
The productivity flywheel should return the gains released by productivity through funding. This relies on the economic value mapping the underlying value.
Inflation of Human Capital
This transformation creates efficiency. But it also devalues the skills that form the backbone of human capital and create a happy, healthy society. Had the alchemists ever discovered the philosopher’s stone, using it would have triggered mass inflation and devalued any reserves of gold. Similarly, our reserve of precious human capital is vulnerable to automation and devaluation in the artificial intelligence revolution. The skills we have learned, whether manual or mental, risk becoming redundant in the face of the machine.
Inflation Proof Human Capital
Will AI totally displace the human? Or is there any form, a core, an irreducible element of human attention that the machine cannot replace? If so, this would be a robust foundation on which to build our digital futures.
Uncertainty Principle
Unfortunately, when we seek it out, we are faced with a form of uncertainty principle. Machines rely on measurable outputs, meaning any aspect of human ability that can be quantified is at risk of automation. But the most essential aspects of humanity are the hardest to measure.
So, the closer we get to the atomic human the more difficult it is to measure the value of the associated human attention.
Homo Atomicus
We won’t find the atomic human in the percentage of A grades that our children are achieving at schools or the length of waiting lists we have in our hospitals. It sits behind all this. We see the atomic human in the way a nurse spends an extra few minutes ensuring a patient is comfortable or a bus driver pauses to allow a pensioner to cross the road or a teacher praises a struggling student to build their confidence.
We need to move away from homo economicus towards homo atomicus.
New Productivity Paradox
Thus we face a new productivity paradox. The classical tools of economic intervention cannot map hard-to-measure supply and demand of quality human attention. So how do we build a new economy that utilises our lead in human capital and delivers the digital future we aspire to?
One answer is to look at the human capital index. This measures the quality and quantity of the attention economy via the health and education of our population.
We need to value this and find a way to reinvest human capital, returning the value of the human back into the system when considering productivity gains from technology like AI.
This means a tighter mapping between what the public want and what the innovation economy delivers. It means more agile policy that responds to public dialogue with tangible solutions co-created with the people who are doing the actual work. It means, for example, freeing up a nurse’s time with technology tools and allowing them to spend that time with patients.
To deliver this, our academic institutions need to step up. Too often in the past we have been distant from the difficulties that society faces. We have been too remote from the real challenges of everyday lives — challenges that don’t make the covers of prestige science magazines. People are rightly angry that innovations like AI have yet to address the problems they face, including in health, social care and education.
Of course, universities cannot fix this on their own, but academics can operate as honest brokers that bridge gaps between public and private considerations, convene different groups and understand, celebrate and empower the contributions of individuals.
This requires people who are prepared to dedicate their time to improving each other’s lives, developing new best practices and sharing them with colleagues and coworkers.
To preserve our human capital and harness our potential, we need the AI alchemists to provide us with solutions that can serve both science and society.
Coin Pusher
Disruption of society is like a coin pusher, it’s those who are already on the edge who are most likely to be effected by disruption.

Figure: A coin pusher is a game where coins are dropped into th etop of the machine, and they disrupt those on the existing steps. With any coin drop, many coins move, but it is those on the edge, who are often only indirectly effected, but also most traumatically effected by the change.
One danger of the current hype around generative AI is that we are overly focussing on the fact that it seems to have significant effect on professional jobs, people are naturally asking the question “what does it do for my role?”. No doubt, there will be disruption, but the coin pusher hypothesis suggests that that disruption will likely involve movement on the same step. However it is those on the edge already, who are often not working directly in the information economy, who often have less of a voice in the policy conversation who are likely to be most disrupted.
Innovation Economy Challenges
Innovating to serve science and society requires a pipeline of interventions. As well as advances in the technical capabilities of AI technologies, engineering knowhow is required to safely deploy and monitor those solutions in practice. Regulatory frameworks need to adapt to ensure trustworthy use of these technologies. Aligning technology development with public interests demands effective stakeholder engagement to bring diverse voices and expertise into technology design.
Building this pipeline will take coordination across research, engineering, policy and practice. It also requires action to address the digital divides that influence who benefits from AI advances. These include digital divides within the socioeconomic strata that need to be overcome – AI must not exacerbate existing equalities or create new ones. In addressing these challenges, we can be hindered by divides that exist between traditional academic disciplines. We need to develop common understanding of the problems and a shared knowledge of possible solutions.
Digital Failure Examples
The Horizon Scandal
In the UK we saw these effects play out in the Horizon scandal: the accounting system of the national postal service was computerized by Fujitsu and first installed in 1999, but neither the Post Office nor Fujitsu were able to control the system they had deployed. When it went wrong individual sub postmasters were blamed for the systems’ errors. Over the next two decades they were prosecuted and jailed leaving lives ruined in the wake of the machine’s mistakes.
See Lawrence (2024) Horizon scandal p. 371.
The Lorenzo Scandal
The Lorenzo scandal is the National Programme for IT which was intended to allow the NHS to move towards electronic health records.
The oral transcript can be found at https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201012/cmselect/cmpubacc/1070/11052302.htm.
One quote from 16:54:33 in the committee discussion captures the top-down nature of the project.
Q117 Austin Mitchell: You said, Sir David, the problems came from the middle range, but surely they were implicit from the start, because this project was rushed into. The Prime Minister [Tony Blair] was very keen, the delivery unit was very keen, it was very fashionable to computerise things like this. An appendix indicating the cost would be £5 billion was missed out of the original report as published, so you have a very high estimate there in the first place. Then, Richard Granger, the Director of IT, rushed through, without consulting the professions. This was a kind of computer enthusiast’s bit, was it not? The professionals who were going to have to work it were not consulted, because consultation would have made it clear that they were going to ask more from it and expect more from it, and then contracts for £1 billion were let pretty well straightaway, in May 2003. That was very quick. Now, why were the contracts let before the professionals were consulted?
An analysis of the problems was published by Justinia (2017). Based on the paper, the key challenges faced in the UK’s National Programme for IT (NPfIT) included:
Lack of adequate end user engagement, particularly with frontline healthcare staff and patients. The program was imposed from the top-down without securing buy-in from stakeholders.
Absence of a phased change management approach. The implementation was rushed without proper planning for organizational and cultural changes.
Underestimating the scale and complexity of the project. The centralized, large-scale approach was overambitious and difficult to manage.
Poor project management, including unrealistic timetables, lack of clear leadership, and no exit strategy.
Insufficient attention to privacy and security concerns regarding patient data.
Lack of local ownership. The centralized approach meant local healthcare providers felt no ownership over the systems.
Communication issues, including poor communication with frontline staff about the program’s benefits.
Technical problems, delays in delivery, and unreliable software.
Failure to recognize the socio-cultural challenges were as significant as the technical ones.
Lack of flexibility to adapt to changing requirements over the long timescale.
Insufficient resources and inadequate methodologies for implementation.
Low morale among NHS staff responsible for implementation due to uncertainties and unrealistic timetables.
Conflicts between political objectives and practical implementation needs.
The paper emphasizes that while technical competence is necessary, the organizational, human, and change management factors were more critical to the program’s failure than purely technological issues. The top-down, centralized approach and lack of stakeholder engagement were particularly problematic.
Reports at the Time
Report https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201012/cmselect/cmpubacc/1070/1070.pdf
Both the Horizon and Lorenzo scandals highlight fundamental disconnects between macro-level policy decisions and micro-level operational realities. The projects failed to properly account for how systems would actually be used in practice, with devastating consequences.
The key failures can be summarized in four main points:
The failures stemmed from insufficient consideration of local needs, capabilities, and existing systems.
There was a lack of effective feedback mechanisms from the micro to macro level.
The implementations suffered from overly rigid, top-down approaches that didn’t allow for local adaptation.
In both cases, there was insufficient engagement with end-users and local stakeholders.
These systemic failures demonstrate how large-scale digital transformations can go catastrophically wrong when there is a disconnect between high-level strategy and ground-level implementation. Future digital initiatives must bridge this macro-micro gap through meaningful stakeholder engagement and adaptable implementation approaches.
These examples provide valuable lessons for bridging the macro-micro gap in innovation. Success requires comprehensive stakeholder engagement at all levels, with system designs that can flex and adapt to local needs. Effective feedback mechanisms between implementation and policy levels are crucial, supported by phased rollouts that allow for learning and adjustment. Technical competence must be ensured across both policy-making and implementation teams, with realistic timelines based on operational realities. Independent, technically competent oversight can provide valuable guidance and accountability.
What do People Want?
Royal Society Report

Figure: The Royal Society report on Machine Learning was released on 25th April 2017
A useful reference for state of the art in machine learning is the UK Royal Society Report, Machine Learning: Power and Promise of Computers that Learn by Example.
See Lawrence (2024) Royal Society; machine learning review and p. 25, 321, 395.
Public Research

Figure: The Royal Society comissioned public research from Mori as part of the machine learning review.
As is often the cas when members of the public are well convened, they offered sensible opinions about the utility and challenges of machine learning methods.

Figure: One of the questions focussed on machine learning applications.
A range of different scenaios were captured by this qualitative work.

Figure: The public were broadly supportive of a range of application areas.

Figure: But they failed to see the point in AI’s that could produce poetry.
The one scenario where the public were unable to perceive any advantage in machine learning was an example from art, the creation of poetry. This was felt to be a fundamentally human activity that machines could only emulate at best.
It’s ironic that despite the public focus on transport, health, cities, crime and their confusion as to why we might want AI to do art, one area where significant progress has been made is on AIs that can create literature.

Figure: Despite the public’s desire to see challenges in health, finance, transport, crime solved by machine learning and their skepticism around poetry, one of the problems we have solved seems to be poetry.
User: Hi ChatGPT, Could you write soliloquy that introduces what a Large Language Model is as spoken by Mercutio?
Machine: Ah, friends, lend me your ears, I prithee, For now I must utter a tale of wonder, Of a creation divine, called the Large Language Model, An oracle, a sorcerer, a wordsmith, yea verily, a master of the quill.
From the depths of this scholarly dominion, A creature of artifice did rise; Twas wrought of ones and zeroes, woven as if by Puck’s own hand, To mimic our thoughts, our voice, our very essence.
A thousand minds, nay, a millionfold, Conjoined in this digital Athenaeum, Words and phrases, like soldiers in battle, Marching to form the verses of our age.
This Large Language Model, a changeling so fair, Hath the power to bring forth wisdom, To transmute our queries, our curiosities, Into answers, clear as a midsummer’s day.
Yet, beware, my companions, for magic hath its limits, Not unlike the mortal bounds of we who dwell in flesh, The Large Language Model hath its strengths, But ’tis not an all-knowing oracle, a god it is not.
As Mercutio, your humble servant, doth stand before thee, I marvel at the art and science that hath brought forth this wondrous creation, This Large Language Model, a testament to man’s yearning, To comprehend the world and make meaning of the great tapestry of existence.
In faith, dear friends, let us embrace the magic and beauty of this digital bard, And mayhaps, by its grace, we shall glean some wisdom, As we wander together, hand in hand, Through this boundless realm of knowledge and wonder.
ChatGPT transcript, 14th April 2023.
Public Dialogue on AI in Public Services

Figure: In September 2024, ai@cam convened a series of public dialogues to understand perspectives on the role of AI in delivering policy agendas.
In September 2024, ai@cam convened a series of public dialogues to understand perspectives on the role of AI in delivering priority policy agendas. Through workshops in Cambridge and Liverpool, 40 members of the public shared their views on how AI could support delivery of four key government missions around health, crime and policing, education, and energy and net zero.
The dialogue revealed a pragmatic public view that sees clear benefits from AI in reducing administrative burdens and improving service efficiency, while emphasizing the importance of maintaining human-centered services and establishing robust governance frameworks.
Key participant quotes illustrate this balanced perspective:
“It must be so difficult for GPs to keep track of how medication reacts with other medication on an individual basis. If there’s some database that shows all that, then it can only help, can’t it?”
Public Participant, Liverpool pg 10 ai@cam and Hopkins Van Mil (2024)
“I think a lot of the ideas need to be about AI being like a co-pilot to someone. I think it has to be that. So not taking the human away.”
Public Participant, Liverpool pg 15 ai@cam and Hopkins Van Mil (2024)
AI in Healthcare: Public Perspectives
In healthcare discussions, participants saw clear opportunities for AI to support NHS administration and improve service delivery, while expressing caution about AI involvement in direct patient care and diagnosis.
Participants identified several key aspirations for AI in healthcare. A major focus was on reducing the administrative workload that currently burdens healthcare professionals, allowing them to spend more time on direct patient care. There was strong support for AI’s potential in early diagnosis and preventive care, where it could help identify health issues before they become severe. The public also saw significant value in AI accelerating medical research and drug development processes, potentially leading to new treatments more quickly. Finally, participants recognized AI’s capability to help manage complex medical conditions by analyzing large amounts of patient data and identifying optimal treatment strategies. These aspirations reflect a pragmatic view of AI as a tool to enhance healthcare delivery while maintaining the central role of human medical professionals.
Illustrative quotes show the nuanced views.
“My wife [an NHS nurse] says that the paperwork side takes longer than the actual care.”
Public Participant, Liverpool pg 9 ai@cam and Hopkins Van Mil (2024)
“I wouldn’t just want to rely on the technology for something big like that, because obviously it’s a lifechanging situation.”
Public Participant, Cambridge pg 10 ai@cam and Hopkins Van Mil (2024)
Concerns focused particularly on maintaining human involvement in healthcare decisions and protecting patient privacy.
AI in Education: Public Perspectives
In education discussions, participants strongly supported AI’s potential to reduce teacher workload but expressed significant concerns about screen time and the importance of human interaction in learning.
A clear distinction emerged between support for AI in administrative tasks versus direct teaching roles. Participants emphasized that core aspects of education require human qualities that AI cannot replicate.
Key quotes illustrate these views:
“Education isn’t just about learning, it’s about preparing children for life, and you don’t do all of that in front of a screen.”
Public Participant, Cambridge ai@cam and Hopkins Van Mil (2024) pg 18
“Kids with ADHD or autism might prefer to interact with an iPad than they would a person, it could lighten the load for them.”
Public Participant, Liverpool ai@cam and Hopkins Van Mil (2024) pg 17
The dialogue revealed particular concern about the risk of AI increasing screen time and reducing social interaction, while acknowledging potential benefits for personalized learning support.
Dialogue Summary
The public dialogue revealed several important cross-cutting themes about how AI should be deployed in public services. First and foremost was the principle that AI should enhance rather than replace human capabilities - participants consistently emphasized that AI should be a tool to support and augment human work rather than substitute for it. There was also strong consensus that robust governance frameworks need to be established before AI systems are deployed in public services, to ensure proper oversight and accountability.
Transparency and public engagement emerged as essential requirements, with participants emphasizing the need for clear communication about how AI is being used and meaningful opportunities for public input. The fair distribution of benefits was another key concern - participants wanted assurance that AI-enabled improvements would benefit all segments of society rather than exacerbating existing inequalities. Finally, there was strong emphasis on maintaining human-centered service delivery, ensuring that the introduction of AI doesn’t diminish the crucial human elements of public services.
A powerful theme throughout the dialogue was the desire to maintain human connection and expertise while leveraging AI’s capabilities to improve service efficiency and effectiveness. As one participant noted:
“We need to look at the causes, we need to do some more thinking and not just start using AI to plaster over them [societal issues].”
Public Participant, Cambridge pg 13 ai@cam and Hopkins Van Mil (2024)
What’s the solution?
Supply Chain of Ideas
Model is “supply chain of ideas” framework, particularly in the context of information technology and AI solutions like machine learning and large language models. You suggest that this idea flow, from creation to application, is similar to how physical goods move through economic supply chains.
In the realm of IT solutions, there’s been an overemphasis on macro-economic “supply-side” stimulation - focusing on creating new technologies and ideas - without enough attention to the micro-economic “demand-side” - understanding and addressing real-world needs and challenges.
Imagining the supply chain rather than just the notion of the Innovation Economy allows the conceptualisation of the gaps between macro and micro economic issues, enabling a different way of thinking about process innovation.
Phrasing things in terms of a supply chain of ideas suggests that innovation requires both characterisation of the demand and the supply of ideas. This leads to four key elements:
- Multiple sources of ideas (diversity)
- Efficient delivery mechanisms
- Quick deployment capabilities
- Customer-driven prioritization
The next priority is mapping the demand for ideas to the supply of ideas. This is where much of our innovation system is failing. In supply chain optimisaiton a large effort is spent on understanding current stock and managing resources to bring the supply to map to the demand. This includes shaping the supply as well as managing it.
The objective is to create a system that can generate, evaluate, and deploy ideas efficiently and effectively, while ensuring that people’s needs and preferences are met. The customer here depends on the context - it could be the public, it could be a business, it could be a government department but very often it’s individual citizens. The loss of their voice in the innovation economy is a trigger for the gap between the innovation supply (at a macro level) and the innovation demand (at a micro level).
AI cannot replace atomic human

Figure: Opinion piece in the FT that describes the idea of a social flywheel to drive the targeted growth we need in AI innovation.
New Attention Flywheel
Figure: The attention flywheel focusses on reinvesting human capital.
Example: Data Science Africa
Data Science Africa is a grass roots initiative that focuses on capacity building to develop ways of solving on the ground problems in health, education, transport and conservation in way that is grounded in local needs and capabilities.
Data Science Africa

Figure: Data Science Africa https://datascienceafrica.org is a ground up initiative for capacity building around data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence on the African continent.
Figure: Data Science Africa meetings held up to October 2021.
Data Science Africa is a bottom up initiative for capacity building in data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence on the African continent.
As of May 2023 there have been eleven workshops and schools, located in seven different countries: Nyeri, Kenya (twice); Kampala, Uganda; Arusha, Tanzania; Abuja, Nigeria; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Accra, Ghana; Kampala, Uganda and Kimberley, South Africa (virtual), and in Kigali, Rwanda.
The main notion is end-to-end data science. For example, going from data collection in the farmer’s field to decision making in the Ministry of Agriculture. Or going from malaria disease counts in health centers to medicine distribution.
The philosophy is laid out in (Lawrence, 2015). The key idea is that the modern information infrastructure presents new solutions to old problems. Modes of development change because less capital investment is required to take advantage of this infrastructure. The philosophy is that local capacity building is the right way to leverage these challenges in addressing data science problems in the African context.
Data Science Africa is now a non-govermental organization registered in Kenya. The organising board of the meeting is entirely made up of scientists and academics based on the African continent.

Figure: The lack of existing physical infrastructure on the African continent makes it a particularly interesting environment for deploying solutions based on the information infrastructure. The idea is explored more in this Guardian op-ed on Guardian article on How African can benefit from the data revolution.
Guardian article on Data Science Africa
Example: Cambridge Approach
ai@cam is the flagship University mission that seeks to address these challenges. It recognises that development of safe and effective AI-enabled innovations requires this mix of expertise from across research domains, businesses, policy-makers, civil society, and from affected communities. AI@Cam is setting out a vision for AI-enabled innovation that benefits science, citizens and society.
The ai@cam vision is being achieved in a manner that is modelled on other grass roots initiatives like Data Science Africa. Through leveraging the University’s vibrant interdisciplinary research community. ai@cam has formed partnerships between researchers, practitioners, and affected communities that embed equity and inclusion. It is developing new platforms for innovation and knowledge transfer. It is delivering innovative interdisciplinary teaching and learning for students, researchers, and professionals. It is building strong connections between the University and national AI priorities.
We are working across the University to empower the diversity of expertise and capability we have to focus on these broad societal problems. In April 2022 we shared an ai@cam with a vision document that outlines these challenges for the University.
The University operates as both an engine of AI-enabled innovation and steward of those innovations.
AI is not a universal remedy. It is a set of tools, techniques and practices that correctly deployed can be leveraged to deliver societal benefit and mitigate social harm.
The initiative was funded in November 2022 where a £5M investment from the University.
The progress made so far has been across the University community. We have successfully engaged with over members spanning more than 30 departments and institutes, bringing together academics, researchers, start-ups, and large businesses to collaborate on AI initiatives. The program has already supported 6 new funding bids and launched five interdisciplinary A-Ideas projects that bring together diverse expertise to tackle complex challenges. The establishment of the Policy Lab has created a crucial bridge between research and policy-making. Additionally, through the Pioneer program, we have initiated 46 computing projects that are helping to build our technical infrastructure and capabilities.
How ai@cam is Addressing Innovation Challenges
1. Bridging Macro and Micro Levels
Challenge: There is often a disconnect between high-level AI research and real-world needs that must be addressed.
The A-Ideas Initiative represents an effort to bridge this gap by funding interdisciplinary projects that span 19 departments across 6 schools. This ensures diverse perspectives are brought to bear on pressing challenges. Projects focusing on climate change, mental health, and language equity demonstrate how macro-level AI capabilities can be effectively applied to micro-level societal needs.
Challenge: Academic insights often fail to translate into actionable policy changes.
The Policy Lab initiative addresses this by creating direct connections between researchers, policymakers, and the public, ensuring academic insights can influence policy decisions. The Lab produces accessible policy briefs and facilitates public dialogues. A key example is the collaboration with the Bennett Institute and Minderoo Centre, which resulted in comprehensive policy recommendations for AI governance.
2. Addressing Data, Compute, and Capability Gaps
Challenge: Organizations struggle to balance data accessibility with security and privacy concerns.
The data intermediaries initiative establishes trusted entities that represent the interests of data originators, helping to establish secure and ethical frameworks for data sharing and use. Alongside approaches for protecting data we need to improve our approach to processing data. Careful assessment of data quality and organizational data maturity ensures that data can be shared and used effectively. Together these approaches help to ensure that data can be used to serve science, citizens and society.
2. Addressing data, Compute and Capability Gaps
Challenge: Many researchers lack access to necessary computational resources for modern research.
The HPC Pioneer Project addresses this by providing access to the Dawn supercomputer, enabling 46 diverse projects across 20 departments to conduct advanced computational research. This democratization of computing resources ensures that researchers from various disciplines can leverage high-performance computing for their work. The ai@cam project also supports the ICAIN initiative, further strengthening the computational infrastructure available to researchers with a particular focus on emerging economies.
Challenge: There is a significant skills gap in applying AI across different academic disciplines.
The Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery addresses this through a comprehensive approach to building AI capabilities. Through a tiered training system that ranges from basic to advanced levels, the programme ensures that domain experts can develop the AI skills relevant to their field. The initiative particularly emphasizes peer-to-peer learning creating sustainable communities of practice where researchers can share knowledge and experiences through “AI Clubs”.
The Accelerate Programme

Figure: The Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery covers research, education and training, engagement. Our aim is to bring about a step change in scientific discovery through AI. http://science.ai.cam.ac.uk
We’re now in a new phase of the development of computing, with rapid advances in machine learning. But we see some of the same issues – researchers across disciplines hope to make use of machine learning, but need access to skills and tools to do so, while the field machine learning itself will need to develop new methods to tackle some complex, ‘real world’ problems.
It is with these challenges in mind that the Computer Lab has started the Accelerate Programme for Scientific Discovery. This new Programme is seeking to support researchers across the University to develop the skills they need to be able to use machine learning and AI in their research.
To do this, the Programme is developing three areas of activity:
- Research: we’re developing a research agenda that develops and applies cutting edge machine learning methods to scientific challenges, with three Accelerate Research fellows working directly on issues relating to computational biology, psychiatry, and string theory. While we’re concentrating on STEM subjects for now, in the longer term our ambition is to build links with the social sciences and humanities.
Progress so far includes:
Recruited a core research team working on the application of AI in mental health, bioinformatics, healthcare, string theory, and complex systems.
Created a research agenda and roadmap for the development of AI in science.
Funded interdisciplinary projects, e.g. in first round:
Antimicrobial resistance in farming
Quantifying Design Trade-offs in Electricity-generation-focused Tokamaks using AI
Automated preclinical drug discovery in vivo using pose estimation
Causal Methods for Environmental Science Workshop
Automatic tree mapping in Cambridge
Acoustic monitoring for biodiversity conservation
AI, mathematics and string theory
Theoretical, Scientific, and Philosophical Perspectives on Biological Understanding in the age of Artificial Intelligence
AI in pathology: optimising a classifier for digital images of duodenal biopsies
Teaching and learning: building on the teaching activities already delivered through University courses, we’re creating a pipeline of learning opportunities to help PhD students and postdocs better understand how to use data science and machine learning in their work.
Progress so far includes:
Teaching and learning
Brought over 250 participants from over 30 departments through tailored data science and machine learning for science training (Data Science Residency and Machine Learning Academy);
Convened workshops with over 80 researchers across the University on the development of data pipelines for science;
Delivered University courses to over 100 students in Advanced Data Science and Machine Learning and the Physical World.
Online training course in Python and Pandas accessed by over 380 researchers.
Engagement: we hope that Accelerate will help build a community of researchers working across the University at the interface on machine learning and the sciences, helping to share best practice and new methods, and support each other in advancing their research. Over the coming years, we’ll be running a variety of events and activities in support of this.
Progress so far includes:
- Launched a Machine Learning Engineering Clinic that has supported over 40 projects across the University with MLE troubleshooting and advice;
- Hosted and participated in events reaching over 300 people in Cambridge;
- Led international workshops at Dagstuhl and Oberwolfach, convening over 60 leading researchers;
- Engaged over 70 researchers through outreach sessions and workshops with the School of Clinical Medicine, the Faculty of Education, Cambridge Digital Humanities and the School of Biological Sciences.
3. Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback Mechanisms
Challenge: AI development often proceeds without adequate incorporation of public perspectives and concerns.
Our public dialogue work, conducted in collaboration with the Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public, creates structured spaces for public dialogue about AI’s potential benefits and risks. The approach ensures that diverse voices and perspectives are heard and considered in AI development.
Challenge: AI initiatives often fail to align with diverse academic needs across institutions.
Cross-University Workshops serve as vital platforms for alignment, bringing together faculty and staff from different departments to discuss AI teaching and learning strategies. By engaging professional services staff, the initiative ensures that capability building extends beyond academic departments to support staff who play key roles in implementing and maintaining AI systems.
4. Flexible and Adaptable Approaches
Challenge: Traditional rigid, top-down research agendas often fail to address real needs effectively.
The AI-deas Challenge Development program empowers researchers to identify and propose challenge areas based on their expertise and understanding of field needs. Through collaborative workshops, these initial ideas are refined and developed, ensuring that research directions emerge organically from the academic community while maintaining alignment with broader strategic goals.
5. Phased Implementation and Realistic Planning
Challenge: Ambitious AI initiatives often fail due to unrealistic implementation timelines and expectations.
The overall strategy emphasizes careful, phased deployment to ensure sustainable success. Beginning with pilot programs like AI-deas and the Policy Lab, the approach allows for testing and refinement of methods before broader implementation. This measured approach enables the incorporation of lessons learned from early phases into subsequent expansions.
6. Independent Oversight and Diverse Perspectives
Challenge: AI initiatives often lack balanced guidance and oversight from diverse perspectives.
The Steering Group provides crucial oversight through representatives from various academic disciplines and professional services. Working with a cross-institutional team, it ensures balanced decision-making that considers multiple perspectives. The group maintains close connections with external initiatives like ELLIS, ICAIN, and Data Science Africa, enabling the university to benefit from and contribute to broader AI developments.
7. Addressing the Innovation Supply Chain
Challenge: Academic innovations often struggle to connect with and address industry needs effectively.
The Industry Engagement initiative develops meaningful industrial partnerships through collaboration with the Strategic Partnerships Office, helping translate research into real-world solutions. The planned sciencepreneurship initiative aims to create a structured pathway from academic research to entrepreneurial ventures, helping ensure that innovations can effectively reach and benefit society.
For more information on these subjects and more you might want to check the following resources.
- book: The Atomic Human
- twitter: @lawrennd
- podcast: The Talking Machines
- newspaper: Guardian Profile Page
- blog: http://inverseprobability.com