- Information Engines at Departmental Seminar, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester
- Educating the Atomic Human at Digital and Data Day, Cambridge University Press and Assessment
- Humans in the AI World at The Transformational CHRO Programme
- Educating the Atomic Human at Human Intelligence in the Age of AI
- AI Opportunities and Challenges at CTO Programme, Judge Business School, Cambridge
- What I can do that AI Can’t at Digital Science AI Day, Frankfurt, Germany
- The Atomic Human at CFI, Cambridge
- What An I can do that AI can’t at Blue Moon Pub, Cambridge
- The Atomic Human at The Lewes Festival
- The Atomic Human at BBC AI and ML Community
- Achievement and the Atomic Human at MSt in AI and Ethics
- The Atomic Human at The Astrazeneca Discovery Centre, Cambridge
- Revisiting the Revisiting of the Revisit of the 2014 NeurIPS Experiment at ELLIS Unconference
- Educating the Atomic Human at Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet
- Mind the Gap: Bridging Innovation’s Supply and Demand in the AI Era at Public Policy Annual Lecture, The Bennett Institute
- Science and the Atomic Human at Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution
- How Do We Cope with Rapid Change Like AI/ML? at The Engineer in Society
- The Atomic Human at Cambridge Consultants
- Data First Culture at Advanced Leadership Programme, Judge Business School, Cambridge
- The Atomic Human at The Zangwill Lecture
- The Atomic Human at Max Planck Lecture, Stuttgart
- The Atomic Human at New Scientist Live
- The Atomic Human at Schmidt Fellows Retreat
- The Atomic Human at Cambridge Alumni Festival
- The Atomic Human at MSt in AI and Ethics
- Intelligent Machines and Humans at YPO Cambridge Global Leaders’ Programme
- The Atomic Human at Google, King’s Cross, London
- The Atomic Human at Elevated, NYC
- The Atomic Human at MIT Museum
- The Atomic Human at MSR New England, Cambridge MA
- The Atomic Human at Utah Valley University
- The Atomic Human at Cambridge in America, Valley Bio Services, Mountain View, CA
- The Atomic Human at CKIWfest (willickifest)
- Launching RSS: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at RSS Conference, Brighton
- The Atomic Human at ELLIS Summer School
- The Atomic Human at AI in Education
- Reacting, Fast and Slow at Navigating the AI revolution in PNT event
- The Atomic Human at The Royal Society Summer of Science
- The Atomic Human at The Royal Society Summer of Science
- Educating the Atomic Human at PTI Festival Day
- The Atomic Human at ELISE Wrap Up and ELLIS Community Event, Scandic Grand Marina Congress Centre, Helsinki, Finland
- AI needs to serve people, science, and society at Developing Robust Cancer Early Detection Systems under Distribution Shifts and Uncertainty
- AI guardians: who holds power over our data at LSE Festival
- The Atomic Human: Talk and Fireside Chat with James Marshall at University Arms, Cambridge
- The Atomic Human: In Conversation with Gina Neff at University Arms, Cambridge
- The Age of Generative AI at Advanced Leadership Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
- The Atomic Human: In Conversation with Sylvie Delacroix at Bush House
- AI needs to serve people, science, and society at Digitalisation and AI for public value
- Revisiting the Revisit of the 2014 NeurIPS Experiment at IWCV
- What Makes Us Unique in the Age of AI at Starmus VII: Starmus Earth, Bratislava, Slovakia
- The Atomic Human at Luxury at the Summit by Miss Tweed
- The Age of Generative AI at Future Insights, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
- The Power and Pitfalls of Machine Learning in the Design of New Molecules at Oxford Schmidt AI in Science Annual Lecture
- The Atomic Human at Bellairs Research Institute
- The Atomic Human at Vector Institute, Toronto
- Law and the Atomic Human at King’s College London, LLM
- The Atomic Human at St Andrews’ Distinguished Lecture Series
- Artificial Intelligence at Ludgate Symposium
- Educating the Atomic Human at Epsom College
- How Do We Cope with Rapid Change Like AI/ML? at The Engineer in Society
- Data First Culture at Advanced Leadership Programme, Judge Business School, Cambridge
- The Atomic Human at Churchill College Science Society
- Decision Making in the Era of Generative AI at Healthy Lifespan Institute Annual Meeting
- Communications and Digital Committee at Houses of Paliament, London, UK
- What is the Future for Probability in the Era of Generative AI? at ELLIS Summer School, Cambridge
- Data First Culture at Advanced Leadership Programme, Judge Business School, Cambridge
- Being Human in the Age of AI at Pint of Science, Cambridge
- Harnessing Data Science for Africa’s Socio-Economic Development at DSA, Kigali, Rwanda
- Use or be Used: Regaining Control of AI at Strachey Lecture, Oxford
- AI needs to serve people, science, and society at Cambridge AI Social, West Hub, Cambridge
- AI needs to serve people, science, and society at 5th Public Sector Innovation Conference
- at
- Caught by Surprise Retrospective: The Mechanistic Fallacy and Modelling How We Think at ELLIS Unconference
- Understanding Artificial Intelligence at New Court, St Swithin’s Lane
- How Engineers Solve Big and Difficult Problems Part 1: The Challenges/Opportunities Presented to Engineers by AI/ML at The Engineer in Society
- Data First Culture at Advanced Leadership Programme, Judge Business School, Cambridge
- AI for Science: An Oral Report from a Recent Dagstuhl Workshop at AI Seminar, Cambridge Computer Laboratory
- Emulation at GPSS, Sheffield
- Organisational Data Science at CDEI Away Day
- Data First Culture at Advanced Leadership Programme, Judge Business School, Cambridge
- Deep Gaussian Processes: A Motivation and Introduction at Sheffield ML Network
- The AI Paradigm Shift: Machine Learning, Automated Decision Making and Modern Society at Four Seasons, Park Lane, London
- Data First Culture at Advanced Leadership Programme, Judge Business School, Cambridge
- Understanding Artificial Intelligence at Bristol Data and AI Showcase
- Deep Gaussian Processes: A Motivation and Introduction at Heilbronn Data Science Seminar, Jean Golding Institute
- The NeurIPS Experiment at Swiss National Science Foundation
- AI and Data Trusts at Advanced Topics of Law and Technology, University of Graz
- My Experience with AI at East Anglian Radiological Society Annual Meeting
- Post-Digital Transformation, Decision Making and Intellectual Debt at Cambridge Senior Management Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
- Artificial Intelligence: Reclaiming Control at LT1, William Gates Building, Cambridge Festival
- Leveraging Opportunities of the 4th Industrial Revolution to Develop Successful Careers in the field of Healthcare: the pains and gains at MedXMentor Inaugural Kick-off and Launch Event, Mbarara, Uganda
- Organisational Data Science at 10ds Show and Social
- AI4ER Lecture: Projects at Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Madingley Rise Site
- Mind and Machine Intelligence at Comenius Program, Harley Mason Room, Corpus Christi College
- Data First Culture at Advanced Leadership Programme, Jesus College, Cambridge
- Deep Gaussian Processes: A Motivation and Introduction at LG Distinguished Talk
- Data Governance for Ethical AI at Virtual DSN AI Bootcamp
- AI, Data Science and the Covid19 Pandemic at The Stokes Society, Pembroke College
- Access, Assess and Address: A Pipeline for (Automated?) Data Science at ECML Workshop on Automating Data Science
- Emulation at Virtual GPSS
- Machine Learning and the Physical World at Tuebingen ML in Science Conference
- Machine Learning and the Physical World at Trustworthy AI Conference, Moscow
- A Retrospective on the 2014 NeurIPS Experiment at Computer Lab Seminar Series
- AI Can’t Fix This: Happenstance Data, Modelling, and the Covid19 Pandemic at The Flip Side of the Pandemic: Recent Advances in the Mathematics of Information
- Post-Digital Transformation: Intellectual Debt at Cambridge Senior Management Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
- Machine Learning and the Physical World at Data Centric Engineering
- AI Faith Panel Discussion at Religion Media Centre: Spiritual Succour and Artificial Intelligence
- Auto AI: Resolving Intellectual Debt in Complex Systems at The Turing Presents: AI UK
- Interpretable Models at Virtual Interaction with Machine Learning Course
- Uncertainty, Procrastination and Artificial Intelligence at Queens’ College SCR Talk
- Laplace’s Gremlin: Uncertainty and Artificial Intelligence at Celsius Lecture, Uppsala University, Sweden
- AI and the Future of Work at Hot Spots Movement AI and Future of Work Event
- Introduction to Machine Intelligence at Accelerate Science Winter School
- Data Trusts Salon at Ostrom Workshop
- When Scientists Work with Government at The Leader’s Institute Interview
- AutoAI: Systems, Machine Learning and Mathematics at Isaac Newton Institute Virtual Christmas Dinner
- Accelerate-Spark Information Session at Virtual
- Auto AI and Machine Learning Systems Design at UK Systems Research, Virtual Seminar Series
- Policy, Science and the Convening Power of Data at AI and data science in the age of COVID-19
- Science, Evidence and Government; Reflections on the Covid-19 Experience at Bennett Institute for Policy
- Data Sharing and Data Trusts at Wellcome Human Cell Atlas Meeting
- Deploying Machine Learning: Intellectual Debt and AutoAI at Virtual Advances in Data Science Seminar, Manchester
- AI and Data Science at Autumn Data Science School, Cambridge
- Will AI Make the Workplace - Wherever it is - More Equal? at Virtual Cambridge Alumni Event
- Deep GPs at Virtual Gaussian Process Summer School
- FIT Machine Learning Systems at Huawei-Cambridge Workshop
- Introduction to Machine Learning Systems at Virtual DSA
- Open Challenges for Automated Machine Learning: Solving Intellectual Debt with AutoAI at ICML Workshop on Automated Machine Learning
- Future of AI and Machine Learning at Executive MBA Course, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
- The Great AI Fallacy at Webinar for The Cambridge Network
- Intellectual Debt and the Death of the Programmer at BBC Lectures on ML
- Intellectual Debt and the Death of the Programmer at Distinguished Lecture Series on Information Engineering
- R250: GP Intro at Computer Lab, University of Cambridge
- Communication and Remote Working at FPE Meeting, McGrath Centre, University of Cambridge
- Coconut Science and the Supply Chain of Ideas at Lunchtime Talk, Cambridge Intellect Leadership Programme – Digital Transformation by Design
- Machine Learning and Emergency Medicine at The Royal College for Emergency Medicine, London
- From Innovation to Deployment at The Alan Turing Institute Fellows Welcome Event
- Perspectives on AI at Sheffield ML Meetup, Kollider, Castle House, Castle Street, Sheffield
- Naive Days at University of Sheffield
- Real World Machine Learning Challenges at AstraZeneca Data Science Meetup
- Debating IBM’s Project Debater at Cambridge Union
- Post Digital Transformation at Google Cloud Day, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
- R250: GP Intro at Computer Lab, University of Cambridge
- What is Artificial Intelligence? at Council on Ethics, The Norwegian Government Pension Fund
- Data First Culture at Advanced Leadership Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
- Machine Learning Systems Design at Cambridge AI Group Seminar
- AutoAI at 10 Minute Talk, Wednesday Meeting, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge
- From Data Subject to Data Citizen at Global Forum on AI for Humanity, Paris
- From Innovation to Deployment at Data Science Africa, Ashesi University
- What is Machine Learning? at Data Science Africa Summer School, Ashesi, Ghana
- The Future of AI at Autumn Data Science School, Cambridge
- Machine Learning Systems Design at Re-work Deep Learning Summit
- Introduction to Deep Gaussian Processes at Gaussian Process Summer School, University of Sheffield, UK
- Interpretable End-to-End Learning at Sheffield ML Group Research Retreat
- Machine Learning and Data Science at Department of Housing, Commmunities and Local Government
- Machine Learning Systems Design at Data Science Africa, Addis Ababa
- What is Machine Learning? at Data Science Africa Summer School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Narrowing the Intelligence Gap at CW AI SIG Byte-size Event
- Meta-Modelling and Deploying ML Software at The Mathematics of Deep Learning and Data Science
- Modern Data Oriented Programming at Advances and Challenges in Machine Learning Languages, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge
- What is AI and What are the Implications of Advances in AI for Religion? at AI - Ethical and Religious Perspectives, Jesus College, Cambridge
- Towards Machine Learning Systems Design at Mathematical Genomics Away Day
- Digital Disruption at Future of Work, Chatham House
- Data Readiness Levels at Data Bootcamp
- Faith and AI: Introduction to Machine Learning at Faith and AI Event, St George's House, Windsor
- Data Readiness Levels at Data Readiness Levels Workshop, Jesus College, Oxford
- Towards Machine Learning Systems Design at Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
- Data Science and Digital Systems at Stu Hunter Resesearch Conference, Milan
- Deep Gaussian Processes at MLSS, Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Gaussian Processes at MLSS, Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Machine Learning and the Physical World at Center for Statistics and Machine Learning, Princeton
- Data Science and Digital Systems at Fifth International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight, Cambridge
- The Three Ds of Machine Learning at Data Science Africa, Abuja
- Bayesian Methods at DSA, Abuja
- Fairness and Diversity of Decision Making at Center for the Advanced Studies of the Behavioral Sciences, Joint American Academy and Royal Society Workshop
- Machine Learning and the Physical World at Uber AI Labs
- Mind and Machine Intelligence at FinTECHTalents 2018
- You and AI Panel Debate at Manchester Science Festival
- Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Amazon Innovation Day
- fAIth at Landor Associates, London
- Data Science and the Professions at IRSG Ethics, Privacy, Transparency and Bias in Information Retrieval, Sheffield
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield
- Probabilistic Machine Learning at AI Saturdays, Lagos, Nigeria
- at
- Faith and AI at Faith and AI Event, St George’s House, Windsor
- Uncertainty in Loss Functions at IWCV 2018, Modena, Italy
- Outlook for UK AI and Machine Learning at HM Treasury
- Towards Machine Learning Systems Design at Sheffield ML Research Network Launch
- Decision Making and Diversity at CFI Lunchtime Seminar
- Challenges for Data Science in Healthcare at A.I. and Health Regulation Meeting
- Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Amazon Thursday Thoughts
- Data Science: Time for Professionalisation? at LSE Workshop on Data Science Theory and Practice
- Machine Learning and Data Readiness Levels at
- Deep Probabilistic Modelling with with Gaussian Processes at NIPS Tutorial 2017
- Personalized Health: Challenges in Data Science at CWI Lectures in Machine Learning
- Embodiment Factors and Privacy at The Israel Academy of Science and Humanities
- Embodiment Factors and Privacy at The Israel Academy of Science and Humanities
- Data Science: Time for Professionalisation? at Open Data Science Conference, London
- Living Together at TEDx Exeter
- Where Next for AI? at CWTech AI Conference
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield
- Cloaking Functions: Differential Privacy with Gaussian Processes at CD-Make 2017 Keynote, Reggio Calabria, Italy
- What is Machine Learning? at Data Science Africa, Arusha, Tanzania
- Once Upon a Universal Standard Time: Embodiment and AI Narratives at CFI Annual Conference
- Data Analytics Perspectives: Machine Learning at CSaP 2017 Conference, The Royal Society
- Machine Learning, Technology and the Future of Intelligence at Leverhulme CFI
- Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction at Probabilistic Scientific Computing Workshop at ICERM, Brown
- Peppercorns and Machine Learning System Design at Sheffield ML Research Retreat
- Peppercorns and Machine Learning System Design at Sheffield ML Group Research Retreat
- The Data Science Process at AMLC Data Science Process Workshop
- The Data Science Process at DALI Data Science Process Workshop
- Machine Learning and the Data Science Process at OxWaSP Workshop, Amazon, Berlin
- The rise of the algorithm - artificial intelligence, ethics, trust and tech development at The Guardian Changing Media Summit
- Ethics, Computer Systems and the Professions at UCL Gustave Tuck Theatre, London WC1
- Challenges and Opportunities in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at ARM, Cambridge
- Challenges for Delivering Machine Learning in Health at Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit, London
- Three Challenges in Data Science at Advanced Data Analytics Seminars, Data Science Institute, University of Manchester
- Latent Variable Models with Gaussian Processes at STOR-i Masterclass and University of Lancaster Seminar
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at STOR-i Masterclass
- Covariance Functions and the Marginal Likelihood at STOR-i Masterclass
- Personalized Health: Challenges in Data Science at SMPGD 2017
- The Data Landscape at Defra Science Advisory Council: Data Sub Group
- Personalized Health: Challenges in Data Science at NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Health
- Computational Perspectives: Fairness and Awareness in the Analysis of Data at Fisher Trust, Royal Society and London Mathematical Society Joint Meeting
- Three Challenges for Open Data Science at Open Data Science Conference
- The Data Delusion at Rework Deep Learning Summit, London, UK
- The Challenges of Data Science at European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS) 2016, Sheffield
- Fitting Covariance and Multioutput Gaussian Processes at GPSS, Sheffield
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at GPSS, Sheffield
- Data Science: Where Computation and Statistics Meet? at Royal Statistical Society Conference, Manchester
- Communicating Machine Learning at Symposium on Communicating Machine Learning, Edinburgh
- Variational Compression and Deep Gaussian Processes at MLSS, Arequipa
- Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction with Gaussian Processes at MLSS, Arequipa
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at MLSS, Arequipa
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes II at MLSS, Arequipa
- Privacy and Learning at Workshop on Security, Workroom 2, Diamond Building, Sheffield
- Machine Learning and the Professions at Royal Society, London
- New Directions in Data Science at Data Science in Africa Workshop, UN Global Pulse, Kampala, Uganda
- Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning at Data Science in Africa Summer School, Makerere University
- System Zero: What Kind of AI Have We Created? at Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford Martin School
- Machine Learning and the Future of Work at Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy
- What Kind of AI Have We Created? at A Pint of Science
- Data Efficiency and Machine Learning at Entropy Day, University of Sheffield
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes II at MLSS, Cadiz
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at MLSS, Cadiz
- Beyond Backpropagation: Uncertainty Propagation at ICLR 2016, San Jaun, Puerto Rico
- Machine Learning with Gaussian Processes at Amazon Machine Learning Conference, Seattle
- Beyond Backpropagation: Uncertainty Propagation at Microsoft Research, New England, USA
- Variational Inference in Deep GPs at Microsoft Research, New England, USA
- Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction at Facebook London, UK
- The Data Delusion: Challenges for Democratising Deep Learning at Deep Learning Summit, London, UK
- The Data Delusion at MARS Conference, Parker Palm Springs, Palm Springs, CA
- What Kind of AI have we Created? at Science Week Talk, University of Sheffield
- What Kind of AI have we Created? at Birley Community College, Sheffield
- Future Debates: This House Believes an Artificial Intelligence will Benefit Society at British Science Association Future Debates, Coffee Revolution, University of Sheffield
- Machine Learning with Gaussian Processes at OxWaSP Symposium, University of Warwick
- What kind of AI have we created? at Sheffield Computer Science Welcome Event
- The Open Data Science Initiative at data@sheffield
- Special Topics: Gaussian Processes at University of Sheffield
- The Mechanistic Fallacy and Modelling How We Think at NIPS Workshop on Statistical Methods for Understanding Neural Systems
- Logistic Regression and GLMs at University of Sheffield
- Probabilistic Classification: Naive Bayes at University of Sheffield
- Information Infrastructure for Health at ATI Scoping Workshop on the Data Analytics Pipeline, Edinburgh
- Bayesian Regression at University of Sheffield
- Generalization: Model Validation at University of Sheffield
- What Kind of Artificial Intelligence are we Creating? at Cognitive Science work in Progress Meeting, Sheffield
- Machine Learning Tutorial: Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction II at Imperial College, U.K.
- What Kind of Artificial Intelligence have we Created? at The Data Hide, The Hide, Scotland Street, Sheffield
- Basis Functions at University of Sheffield
- Personalised Health and Gaussian Processes at Stratified Medical, 40 Churchway, London, NW1
- Linear Algebra and Linear Regression at University of Sheffield
- The Digital Oligarchy: Information, Knowledge and the Internet Era at Right First Time, ControlPoint Event
- Objective Functions: A Simple Example with Matrix Factorisation at University of Sheffield
- Probability and an Introduction to Jupyter, Python and Pandas at University of Sheffield
- Peer Review and The NIPS Experiment at MLPM Summer School, Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, UK
- Deep Gaussian Processes at HIPS Group, SEAS, Harvard University
- Personalized Health with Gaussian Processes at Microsoft Research, New England
- Latent Force Models: Bridging the Divide between Mechanistic and Data Modelling Paradigms at MPI for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart
- Gaussian Processes (Part III) at MLSS, Tübingen
- Gaussian Processes (Part II) at MLSS, Tübingen
- Gaussian Processes (Part I) at MLSS, Tübingen
- Panel Discussion at ICML Deep Learning Worshop, Lille, France
- Large Scale Learning in Gaussian Processes at Large-Scale Kernel Learning Workshop @ICML2015
- Deep Gaussian Processes at Deep Learning Workshop @ICML2015
- Personalized Health at Dedan Kimathi University, Nyeri, Kenya
- Regression at Data Science Africa School, Dedan Kimathi University, Nyeri, Kenya
- Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Science at Data Science Africa School, Dedan Kimathi University, Nyeri, Kenya
- Deep Gaussian Processes at 2nd Deep Learning Workshop, Edinburgh
- Deep Gaussian Processes at Computer Science Colloquium, NYU
- Deep Gaussian Processes at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Deep Gaussian Processes at IDA Machine Learning Seminars, Linkoping, Sweden
- Deep Gaussian Processes at Mascot Num 2015, St Etienne, France
- Modelling in the Context of Massively Missing Data at Max Planck Institute, Tübingen
- The Data Farm at Westwoodside Primary School, Nether Gate, Westwoodside, Doncaster
- Data Science: A New Field or Just a Rebadging Exercise? at School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
- Machine Learning Tutorial: Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction at Imperial College, U.K.
- The Data Farm at Sheffield Festival of Engineering and Science, Jessop West Exhibition Space, Jessop West, University of Sheffield, 1 Upper Hanover Street, Sheffield S3 7RA
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at MLSS, Sydney
- The NIPS Experiment at RADIANT Meeting, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Deep Gaussian Processes at Instituto Italiano de Tecnologia, Genova, Italy
- Data Science: A New Field or Just a Rebadging Exercise? at Department of Statistics, University of Warwick
- Statistical Computing: Python at Royal Statistical Society, London, U.K.
- Approximate Inference in Deep GPs at Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, U.K.
- Deep Gaussian Processes at UCL-Duke University Workshop on Sensing and Analysis of High-Dimensional Data
- Big Data and Open Data Science at UCLID Workshop, University of Lancaster, UK
- Flexible Parametric Representations of Non Parametric Models at Informatics Forum, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Visualizing Biological Data with Gaussian Processes at The Systems Biology Modelling Cycle, EBI, Hinxton, UK
- Gaussian Processes for Dynamic Modelling at The Systems Biology Modelling Cycle, EBI, Hinxton, UK
- What is Machine Learning? A Probabilistic Perspective (Part II) at MLSS, Reykjavik, Iceland
- What is Machine Learning? A Probabilistic Perspective (Part I) at MLSS, Reykjavik, Iceland
- Flexible Parametric Representations of Non Parametric Models at Statistical Machine Learning in Paris, France
- Applications of Gaussian Processes in Computational Biology at Institute Curie, Paris, France
- Modelling with Massively Missing Data at Facebook, Menlo Park, CA
- Flexible Parametric Representations of Non Parametric Models at Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, U.K.
- Personalized Health with Gaussian Processes at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Manizales, Colombia
- Deep Gaussian Processes at Oxford University Statistics Department
- New Perspectives on Variational Approximations in Gaussian Processes: Modelling Data at University of Cambridge, Engineering Department
- Latent Variable Models with Gaussian Processes at Gaussian Process Winter School, Sheffield
- Fitting Covariance and Multi-output Gaussian Processes at Gaussian Process Winter School, Sheffield
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at Gaussian Process Winter School, Sheffield
- Unravelling the Big Data Revolution at Maths Department, Teaching Away Day, University of Leeds
- Unravelling the Data Revolution with Machine Learning at Newcastle, Edinburgh, Cambridge and Sheffield academic Departments of Respiratory Medicine Meeting, Whitely Hall, Sheffield
- Personalized Health with Gaussian Processes at Disease Mapping Workshop, Leahurst
- Deep Health: Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine at E4L Away Day
- Probabilistic Approaches for Computational Biology and Medicine at Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine Summer School
- A Unifying Probabilistic Perspective on Spectral Approaches to Dimensionality Reduction at Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- Deep Gaussian Processes at Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- Deep Gaussian Processes at Natural Computing Applications Forum, University of Oxford
- Deep Health at Manchester and Sheffield Machine Learning Meetings
- Latent Force Models: Introduction at Latent Force Model Workshop, Sheffield
- Unsupervised Learning with Gaussian Processes at Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield
- Multioutput Gaussian Processes at Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at Gaussian Process Summer School, Sheffield
- Deep Gaussian Processes at University of Cambridge, Engineering Department
- How the Planets Affect Our Daily Lives: A Brief History of Uncertainty at King Edward's School, Sheffield
- Deep Learning: What is it and What are We doing About it? at University of Sheffield
- How the Planets Affect Our Daily Lives: A Brief History of Uncertainty at St Wilfrid's Primary School, Sheffield
- How the Planets Affect Our Daily Lives: A Brief History of Uncertainty at Birley Community College, Sheffield
- Variational Gaussian Processes at Max Planck Institute, Tübingen, Germany
- Deep Gaussian Processes at Max Planck Institute, Tübingen, Germany
- Deep Gaussian Processes at University College, London
- Deep Gaussian Processes at Aalto University, Finland
- Reproducible Research: Lessons from Machine Learning at RADIANT Kick-off Meeting, Manchester, UK
- Machine Learning and the Life Sciences: from Modelling to Medicine at Department of Infection and Immunity, University of Sheffield
- Life, the Universe and Machine Learning at St George’s Church Lecture Theatre, University of Sheffield
- Model Based Target Identification from Expression Data at UCLA
- A Brief Introduction to Gaussian Processes at UCLA
- Bridging the Gap Between Computational Biology and Systems Biology at Pathologists Society Summer Meeting, Sheffield
- Kernels for Vector Valued Functions at ICML Workshop on ``Object, functional and structured data: towards next generation kernel-based methods''
- Everything You Want to Know About Gaussian Processes: Gaussian Process Regression at CVPR Tutorial, Providence, RI, USA
- Everything You Want to Know About Gaussian Processes: Multioutput Covariances and Mechanistic Models at CVPR Tutorial, Providence, RI, USA
- Gaussian Processes in Computational Biology Tutorial: Session 2 at BioPreDyn Workshop, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
- Gaussian Processes in Computational Biology Tutorial: Multioutput Gaussian Processes and Mechanistic Models at BioPreDyn Workshop, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
- Latent Force Models: Bridging the Divide between Mechanistic and Data Modelling Paradigms at Computer Science Department, University of Liverpool, U.K.
- What is Machine Learning? at La Palma, Canary Islands
- Nonlinear Probabilistic Dimensionality Reduction at La Palma, Canary Islands
- Spectral Approaches to Dimensionality Reduction at La Palma, Canary Islands
- Dimensionality Reduction: Motivation and Linear Models at La Palma, Canary Islands
- Latent Force Models: Combining the Mechanistic and Data Driven Modelling Paradigms at Rank Prize Workshop, Grasmere, Lake District
- Latent force models: Combining Probabilistic and Mechanistic Modelling at Robotics Research Group Seminar, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
- A Unifying Review of Spectral Methods for Dimensionality Reduction at Robotics Research Group Tutorial, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
- Model Based Target Identification from Expression Data at Cambridge Research Institute, Cancer Research UK
- at BioPreDyn Launch Workshop, CRG, Barcelona
- A Maximum Entropy Perspective on Spectral Dimensionality Reduction at Machine Learning @ CUED, University of Cambridge, U.K.
- Model Based Target Identification from Expression Data at Gene Expression Profiling Workshop, Liverpool, UK
- Between Systems and Data-driven Modeling for Computational Biology: Target Identification with Gaussian Processes at ABCD2011, Ravenna, Italy
- Latent Force Models at Bayes 250 Workshop, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
- Gaussian Processes and Probabilistic Models for Dimensionality Reduction at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
- Model Based Target Identification from Expression Data at Krebs Institute Symposium
- A unifying probabilistic perspective on spectral approaches to dimensionality reduction at Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Workshop on Manifold Learning, University of Bonn
- Advanced Use of Gaussian Processes at University of Siena, Italy
- Introduction to Gaussian Processes at Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Siena, Italy
- Latent Force Models at Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Exeter, U.K.
- Probabilistic Dimensional Reduction with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model at Department of Computer Science, University of Loughgborough, U.K.
- A Unifying Probabilistic Perspective on Spectral Approaches to Dimensionality Reduction at ANC/DTC Seminar, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
- Between Systems and Data-driven Modeling for Computational Biology: Target Identification with Gaussian Processes at SMPGD2010, Paris, France
- A Probabilistic Perspective on Spectral Dimensionality Reduction at Challenges of Data Visualization Workshop, NIPS 2010, Whistler
- A Probabilistic Perspective on Spectral Dimensionality Reduction at AAAI Fall Symposium on Manifold Methods, U.S.A.
- Latent Force Models at Dynamics Research Group Seminar, Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, U.K.
- A Probabilistic Perspective on Spectral Dimensionality Reduction at Department of Statistics, Aalto University, Finland
- Bayesian approaches to Transcription Factor Target Identification at Course in Practical Systems Biology: Visualisation and Reverse engineering gene regulatory networks, EuroMediterranean University Centre of Ronzano, Bologna, Italy
- Making Implementations Available for the Research Community at Validation in Statistics and Machine Learning, Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, Germany
- Latent Force Models at Functional Phylogenies: Evolutionary Inference for Functional Data, University of Oxford, U.K.
- PRIB Tutorial: Gaussian Processes and Gene Regulation at PRIB2010, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
- Between Systems and Data-driven Modeling for Computational Biology: Target Identification with Gaussian Processes at IBSB2010, Kyoto University, Japan
- Latent Force Models at Inference Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
- Transfer Learning and Multiple Output Kernel Functions at NIPS 09 Workshop on Transfer Learning for Structured Data
- Latent Force Models at Disordered Systems Group, Department of Mathematics, King's College London
- Nonlinear Response in Gaussian Process Models of Transcription at Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Naples, Italy
- Model Based Target Identification from Gene Expression with Gaussian Processes at BioDN@work '09, Computational Biology \& Bioinformatics, University of Naples ``Federico II''
- Latent Force Models at Computer Science Colloquium, NYU, U.S.A.
- Latent Force Models at Google Research, New York, U.S.A.
- Model Based Target Identification from Gene Expression with Gaussian Processes at School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A.
- Latent Force Modelling with Gaussian Processes at School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Newcastle, U.K.
- Latent Force Models with Gaussian Processes at Inspire Workshop, Imperial College, U.K.
- Efficient Multiple Output Convolution Processes for Multiple Task Learning at Inf Workshop, University of Warwick, U.K.
- Dealing with High Dimensional Data with Dimensionality Reduction at Interspeech Tutorial, Brighton, U.K.
- Latent Force Models and Multiple Output Gaussian Processes at Statistics and Learning Interface Meeting, University of Manchester, U.K.
- Latent Force Models with Gaussian Processes at Pattern Recognition Applications Group, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy
- Non-linear Matrix Facorization with Gaussian Proceses at European Modern Massive Datasets Workshop, Denmark Techinical University, Copenhagen
- An Introduction to Systems Biology from a Machine Learning Perspective II at TISE Summer School, Tampere, Finland
- An Introduction to Systems Biology from a Machine Learning Perspective at TISE Summer School, Tampere, Finland
- Non-linear Matrix Factorization with Gaussian Processes at Learning Workshop, Clearwater, Florida
- Estimation of Multiple Transcription Factor Activities using ODEs and Gaussian Processes at Workshop on Learning and Inference in Computational and Systems Biology (LICSB)
- Python in Machine Learning at MLO Lunch, Kilburn 2.15
- GP-LVM for Data Consolidation at NIPS Workshop on Learning from Multiple Sources
- Latent Force Models with Gaussian Processes at Intelligent Systems Seminars, University of Bristol, U.K.
- Inference in Ordinary Differential Equations with Latent Functions through Gaussian Processes at RSS Manchester Local Group
- Dynamics with Gaussian Processes at Natural Computing Applications Forum, University of Sheffield, U.K.
- Ambiguity Modelling in Latent Spaces at Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Latent Force Models with Gaussian Processes at Bayesian Research Kitchen, Grasmere, Lake District, U.K.
- Dimensionality Reduction the Probabilistic Way at ICML Tutorial 2008
- Statistical inference in systems biology through Gaussian processes and ordinary differential equations at LICSB Workshop, University of Warwick, U.K.
- Statistical Inference in Systems Biology through Gaussian Processes and Ordinary Differential Equations at Max Planck Society, Ringberg Castle, Germany
- An Introduction to Systems Biology from a Machine Learning Perspective at Max Planck Society, Ringberg Castle, Germany
- Inferring Latent Functions with Gaussian Processes in Differential Equations at Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, U.K.
- Learning and Inference with Gaussian Processes: An Overview of Bayesian Inference and Gaussian Processes at Data Modelling Series, University of Sheffield, U.K.
- Human Motion Modelling with Gaussian Processes at Netwon Institute, Cambridge, U.K.
- Human Motion Modelling through Dimensional Reduction with Gaussian Processes at Hotel Golf, Bled, Slovenia
- TP1: Leveraging Complex Prior Knowledge in Learning at Hotel Golf, Bled, Slovenia
- Dimensionality Reduction at EPSRC Winter School, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K.
- Exploiting Dimensional Dreduction In Modelling Of High Dimensional Distributions at
- Latent Variables, Differential Equations and Gaussian Processes at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, U.K.
- Modelling Transcriptional Regulation with Gaussian Processes at Parameter Estimation Workshop, Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre, University of Manchester, U.K.
- Towards Computational Systems Biology with a Statistical Analysis Pipeline for Microarray Data at Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, U.K.
- Latent Variable Modelling with Gaussian Processes at Workshop on Probabilistic formulation of the inverse problem and application to image reconstruction, Neuroscience Research Institute, University of Manchester, U.K.
- Probabilistic Dimensional Reduction with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model at Dept of Signal Theory and Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Probabilistic Inference for Modelling of Transcription Factor Activity at Dept of Signal Theory and Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Fast Sparse Gaussian Process Methods: The Informative Vector Machine at Dept of Signal Theory and Communications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Hierarchical Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models at ICML, Corvallis, Oregon
- Probabilistic Inference for Modelling of Transcription Factor Activity at Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, U.K.
- Gaussian Processes for Inference in Biological Interaction Networks at Exploring the Interface Between Mathematics and Bioscience, Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre, University of Manchester, U.K.
- Modelling Transcriptional Regulation with Gaussian Processes at Parameter Estimation in Systems Biology, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, U.K.
- Probabilistic Dimensional Reduction with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model at Neural Computing Research Group, Aston University, U.K.
- Probabilistic Dimensional Reduction with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model at Google Research, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
- Probabilistic Dimensional Reduction with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model at Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, U.S.A.
- Learning and Inference with Gaussian Processes: An Overview of Gaussian Processes and the GP-LVM at University of Manchester, Machine Learning Course Guest Lecture
- Learning and Inference with Gaussian Processes at Intel Research, Seattle, U.S.A.
- PUMA: Propagation of Uncertainty in Microarray Analysis at Max Planck Institute, Tübingen, Germany
- Probabilistic Dimensional Reduction with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model at Erice Workshop on Mathematics and Medical Diagnosis, Sicily, Italy
- Local Distance Preservation in the GP-LVM through Back Constraints at International Conference on Machine Learning, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
- Learning and Inference with Gaussian Processes at School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, U.K.
- A probabilistic dynamical model for quantitative inference of the regulatory mechanism of transcription at Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology
- Probabilistic Dimensional Reduction with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model at Information Engineering, University of Cambridge, U.K.
- Computer Vision Reading Group: The Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model at Computer Vision Reading Group, Visual Geometry Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, U.K.
- High Dimensional Probabilistic Modelling through Manifolds at University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.
- High Dimensional Probabilistic Modelling through Manifolds at Microsoft Research, Redmond, U.S.A.
- High Dimensional Probabilistic Modelling through Manifolds at Electronic Arts Speaker Series, University of British Columbia, Canada
- High Dimensional Probabilistic Modelling through Manifolds at Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.
- High Dimensional Probabilistic Modelling through Manifolds at IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center, New York, U.S.A.
- High Dimensional Probabilistic Modelling through Manifolds at Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, U.K.
- High Dimensional Probabilistic Modelling through Manifolds at IDIAP Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
- High Dimensional Probabilistic Modelling through Manifolds at School of Computer and Communication Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
- Probabilistic Non-linear Component Analysis through Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models at Max Planck Institute, Tübingen, Germany
- Probabilistic Non-linear Component Analysis through Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models at Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, U.K.
- Probabilistic Non-linear Component Analysis through Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, U.K.
- Probabilistic Non-linear Component Analysis through Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models at School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, U.K.
- Probabilistic Non-linear Component Analysis through Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models at Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, University of Ediburgh, U.K.
- Probabilistic Non-linear Component Analysis through Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models at Robotics Research Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, U.K.
- Probabilistic Non-linear Component Analysis through Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models at Sheffield Machine Learning Workshop, Sheffield, U.K.
- Probabilistic Non-linear Component Analysis through Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models at University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.
- Bayesian Processing of cDNA Microarray Images through the Variational Importance Sampler at Microsoft Research, Redmond, U.S.A.
- Bayesian Processing of cDNA Microarray Images at The University of Sussex, Department of Cognitive Science, Bioinformatics and Vision Seminars
- Bayesian Processing of cDNA Microarray Images at The University of Manchester, Department of Computer Science, Bio-health sciences Seminars
- Particle Filters, Variational methods and Importance Sampling at Machine Learning and Perception Group, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, U.K.
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